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PTW Scenario problem ... LAZY WORKERS

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  • PTW Scenario problem ... LAZY WORKERS

    I designed I personal map for my friends and me (well, for me and me and me ... and for multiplayer battles via LAN *g*).

    So - cause of bad English short - heres my other CIV related problem:

    I modified the terrain types and the worker jobs (time to build) too ... BUT:

    Effect 1: My automated workers build no more roads, mines or farms ... worse ... the build it sometimes but often not.

    Effect 2: An thats really bad - AI players had the same problem ...

    Any idea whats wrong ? Anybody some more details about the internals of the workers AI ?
    You sooner die, you are longer dead. (100% German - sorry *g*)

  • #2
    You probably modified things in such a way that the worker intelligence is telling the workers not to do certain jobs for various reasons. Without knowing what you did it will be hard to give you more information.
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    • #3
      If the worker does not have the "terraform" tag set, then the AI will not use them at all. The terraform tag will only become active if ALL the worker actions are selected. Also, if the AI will not use them, that also means that you cannot automate your own.

      - GIDustin
      Units, Leaderheads, Maps, Title Screens, Terrain Mods and Wonder Splashes available at My Web Site ( Alt URL - ).

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      • #4
        What have I done ? *g*

        Nop - no modification on workers settings (unit).

        I change these settings:

        - [Terrain] Some special resources are more valid (for example oil shild +1).

        - [Worker Jobs] Workers terraform actions take more time: Mine (36), Irrigate (24), Fortress (64), ...

        That's all. Nothing to send me into *g*.

        BTW my goal is to expand the time line: less science output, buildinds take longer to build (units not) - so should terrain improvements ...).
        You sooner die, you are longer dead. (100% German - sorry *g*)

