Looks like Fundamentalism was too good not to be brought back, albeit in an altered form. The civilopedia entry for Fascism makes this government type look unbeatable, for the world conquerer. It might even make buying cities via propaganda worthwhile, just like in the good old days of spies under fundamentalism in Civ2! What with killing your people instead of buying improvements, you'll have lots of gold laying around anyways...
...I hope this is not, indeed, far too powerful. I'm happy to have new government types but I like the balance in the current Civ, and I hope that Facism does not turn out to be a "super-government" like the old Fundamentalism, which made it possible to conquer the world the same way every time and still get new techs every 4 turns near the end of the game.
...I hope this is not, indeed, far too powerful. I'm happy to have new government types but I like the balance in the current Civ, and I hope that Facism does not turn out to be a "super-government" like the old Fundamentalism, which made it possible to conquer the world the same way every time and still get new techs every 4 turns near the end of the game.
