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What Conquests provide

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  • What Conquests provide

    I believe no one noticed this. These things really tell, that they have made a great expansion. 50 new units!

    In total, the Conquests provide:

    Over 85 new technologies
    Over 50 new units
    Over 60 new buildings and wonders
    30 new resources
    More than 8 new governments

  • #2
    That is in the scenarios

    And number of new stuff isn't a very good measure on how good an expansion is


    • #3
      Yeah. But it sounds promising. You swedes are always so negative


      • #4
        Originally posted by Inhalaattori
        Yeah. But it sounds promising. You swedes are always so negative
        Go back to the sauna that spawned you, you dark Mumintroll

        Yup, scenarios will be massive


        • #5

          Jag tycker inte, att du skadar mig. Jag blir arg när jag är irriterad.
          Och alla svenska- pojkar är känt för sin sinne för humor.
          My swedish is quite "rusty"

          Im just wondering if these "50 new units" include ptw units (in ww2 pacific and feudal Japan- scenarios)

          Heh. That picture. Swedish soldiers carrying their dead king. You know that many soldiers were finska-pojkar. Hakkapeliitas or something like that.


          • #6
            If they are PtW units is a good question.

            They they will prove very useful for scenario creation.

            I just wanted to point aout that any amount of art can't outweight interesting changes in game mechanics.

            Sidenote: Hakkapelites were swedish elite cavalry. They got that name because when they stormed the enemy they shouted "Hakkapelle" wich means "Chop a head".


            • #7
              "Sidenote: Hakkapelites were swedish elite cavalry."
              Yes. But they were finns. They shouted "hakkaa päälle", which is finnish and means something like you said it means.

              You are right with that "game mechanics"- question.

              "Im just wondering if these "50 new units" include ptw units (in ww2 pacific and feudal Japan- scenarios)"

              With that I meant that is there 50 new units + ptw units? Or are ptw units in that 50? Someone must ask that in this "firaxis chat- thing". (27.9)


              • #8
                50 new units means 50 new units + the PTW units + new leader units (for regicide games).

                IIRC, the Sengoku scenario uses the PTW units.
                Seemingly Benign
                Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                • #9
                  Thanks for the info WarpStorm

                  Originally posted by Inhalaattori
                  "Sidenote: Hakkapelites were swedish elite cavalry."
                  Yes. But they were finns. They shouted "hakkaa päälle", which is finnish and means something like you said it means.
                  Depends. Finnland was a part of Sweden.
                  Shall we end this threadjack now?


                  • #10
                    I don't trust words as much as pictures. You don't know how much of that is in the various conquests. 85 new techs essentially means nothing. However, I'm pretty optimistic anyway.
                    "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                    Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                    • #11
                      "what the numbers mean"

                      Originally posted by Jaguar Warrior
                      I don't trust words as much as pictures. You don't know how much of that is in the various conquests. 85 new techs essentially means nothing. However, I'm pretty optimistic anyway.
                      We hear you. So far, my experience has shown that trying to group and list the new features in the game hasn't been very effective at communicating all the changes to the game and the features introduced in the various Conquests. We're finding that putting it in (conservative) numbers provides a far more succinct way of expressing what the game contributes to the Civ experience.

                      Hmmmm. I just reread all that and it looks like a buncha marketing mumbo-jumbo. Think of it this way:

                      the new techs -- each of the nine conquests has essentially a brand new tech tree. While some techs are familiar, many others are brand new, or occasionally old techs that give different things.

                      Ditto the new units -- each conquest introduces plenty of new units. We didn't count units like the warrior in Mesopotamia, which is the same old warrior but with an attack of 2.

                      So view the numbers as the best vehicle at hand for quickly communicating what the conquests bring to the table.

                      Jeff Foley
                      Sr. Brand Manager


                      • #12
                        Wow, I just got listened to by an official Atari person. How cool.

                        Numbers are good, but I think we get a better sense of the depth of the conquests (and that's what we're talking about here, most or perhaps all of the new features will be specific to the conquests) if you just showed us shots of them being played out. Seeing a screenshot of Japan, with Zeroes and Ha-Go tanks being produced, industrial complexes being constructed, American infantry landing at Okinawa, etc. catches my interest more than numbers.

                        I think a lot of the time we get overviews, and it would be nice to see more detail about a particular feature as well. For example, please tell us more about setting diplomacy and other new editor abilities.

                        Keep up the good work.
                        "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                        Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005

