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What traits need to be buffed for conquests

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  • What traits need to be buffed for conquests

    What traits if any do you think need to be changed or improved for conquests? Or all they all about right?

    I will tell you which one I have never liked for many reasons.

    I hate expansionistic, lets face it expansion is weak unless you are playing on a larger maps. Now I never play on a huge map it takes way too long and it slows down most mid to low end PCs.

    On the flip side on a huge map expansion may be TOO powerful.

    Making a Map Dependent trait is just a bad idea. It leads to imbalance depending on map size.

    The trait is just a ridiculous trait, it needs to be totally reworked.

    The trait is too MAP dependent. Overly weak on small maps, overly powerful on huge maps. Pretty useless and weak on average maps (I play average maps mostly). Useless on island maps, useless on continent maps for the most part (unless huge..maybe so-so on large).. great large, huge pangea. Still poorly concieved on all maps.

    Regardless of this traits power or lack therof depending on map..I just think it is a badly implemented trait.

    I don't like it being a hut popping trait..that is basically all it is and you get a scout to explore plus cheaper scouts. I know you can find other civs and luxuries with your scouts but compared to the other traits and my playign this game for 2 is not a good trait vs the others.

    I think expansion should be totally reworked alltogether and have nothing to do with scouts or huts. Therefore it would have nothing to do with map size. Maybe you can give the civs certain bonuses or privaleges who are expansion. Totally different than what they are now. Remove huts and scouts form the equation or at least huts and then give expansion civs something else, rework the trait.

    I can enjoy every other trait in civ 3. I play all the different civs and can enjoy each one...except the expansion trait..I have always disliked it..I play smaller and medium maps as well. Even if I played huge maps it would be too much of an advantage, so I still wouldn't like it.

    Expansion needs to be made where it is valuable whatever map you like to play on. So players who like average maps and single play can play an expansionistic civ sometimes if they want to.

    I think when the devs came to this trait it was an afterthought, they were kinda lazy..Just make scouts cheap and make it a hut popping trait. Bad idea.

    I hope this trait gets reworked for Conquests.
    Last edited by Artifex; September 4, 2003, 14:51.

  • #2
    I think Militaristic needs a huge boost. It has no point if you are ill-prepared for war. I think it could use some kind of culture boost (like Religious and Scientific have)

    Scientific could use an increased chance in getting a Scientific Great Leader.

    Commercial could use Cheaper Marketplaces and Banks

    Although Expansionist is weak later in the game, its very easy to get dependant on it. Its point is Goodie Hut popping (No Barbs is a big help), and it allows you a first turn move in a PBEM game (which is something that is very nice). I'll live with the trait (although I wish Scouts had one movement, but treated all squares as roads).
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