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Civ3 PTW Editor

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  • Civ3 PTW Editor

    I enjoy very much playing at Deity designing the Map so as to load my territory with of all the best.
    Designing maps is very time consuming though.

    Are there files or expansions that allow to create maps more quickly?
    Is there a file at allows to copy and paste pieces of maps?

    Is there any shortpath to creating (huge) maps?

    Omnia Mea Mecum Porto.

  • #2
    There is a bmp to bic converter in the Files forum. Its pretty good, but the maps still need a final touch.
    You must unlearn what you have learn.
    Version 0.08 of the Medieval European Mod is ready, it has more units, more techs a new map, and 31 Civilizations!.
    Find it here!

    It also has its own forums


    • #3
      And C3MT has a Civ2 MP files -> BIC/BIX converter if you have old files, or prefere to work with the civ2 map editor, but you would still need to do final changhes as adding resouerces and stuff.
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

