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Top scores???

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  • Top scores???

    Ever since I installed PTW... I haven't been able to see my top scores in the civ 3 hall of fame????

    Everytime I finish a game I always see my final score but never my top scores from my previous games!?!?
    Then when I visit my hall of fame, all I see is one meaningless 20 min. game I once played multiplayer on the internet.

    This is not a big problem but annoying to the point that I've finnaly decided to ask to see if I can fix it.

    Has anyone had this problem?

    Thank's in advance.
    Go BIG or go home.

  • #2
    If you're playing a modification, which changes the rules, the scores of these games are not recorded. That might be your problem.


    • #3
      It is likely as Sir ralph said. This is a known behavior.


      • #4
        This sucks. I understand the reasons for not allowing modded games to be on the high score, but c'mon. I pray that that is back in Conquests.


        • #5
          I doubt it, but you can use an editor to add in any games.

          HighScore.cv3 format
          civname A nnnnn B C D
          A = the civ race counting from the list shown in the hall of fame. That is 22 would be Arabs.
          B = level counting Chief as 0.
          C = type of vic/loss
          VictoryType: Domination(0), Conquest(1), Cultural(2), Diplomatic(3), Spacerace(4), Retired(5), Histograph(6)
          D = 1 means won 2 means lost

          nnnnn is your final score.

          This was for PTW.


          • #6
            What editor would I use to put my score in?
            Go BIG or go home.


            • #7
              Any should be fine. I have used notepad, but prefer an editor that handles hex. I prefer Kedit.


              • #8
                I just removed and deleted all files for civ 3 and ptw. I reinstalled everything and now I can see my score I was really trying hard not to do this but it turned out to be my best solution available. I could of just edited my score in but found it more practical and easier to just delete it all and reinstalling it.

                Thank's for all your help
                Go BIG or go home.


                • #9
                  I think if you just erase the cv3 file, the game will create a new one.

