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SCENARIO: Flavour of Europe

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  • SCENARIO: Flavour of Europe

    Flavour of Europe v1.3
    For Play the World 1.21 patch
    Completed 8/02/03
    104 new units total.

    This scenario takes the 10 European civs from the game, put's them on a European map with real start locations, and loads them with flavor units. The Celts start north of their origin or else Greece would have no place to go, also Russia starts further East or else Moscow would be hanging off the Map.

    This scenario can be played on the two maps included: A standard size European map created by thestonefan, and the huge European map from the PtW CD (edited for this project).

    This scenario is much more enjoyable to play then may seem. I can't pull myself away from it! Besides, if you don't like it then kiss my booty. I was going to make it for myself but I'm just too nice. ENJOY!


    Scenario created by sween32
    Standard Size Europe map by thestonesfan
    Watercolor Terrain by Warpstorm
    City Borders by Taé Shala

    Special Thanks to thestonesfan for his priceless help.

    "Blimp" by pesoloco - Early Bomber available with Steel

    Scout - "European Scout" by utahjazz7
    (available to Expansionist Civs)
    Spearman - "Germanic Spearman" by Kinboat
    (Germany, France, Vikings)
    Spearman - "European Spearman" by utahjazz7
    (England, Spain, Russia)
    Swordsman - "European Swordsman" by utahjazz7
    (Germany, France, England, Spain, Vikings)
    Knight - "Arthurian Knight" by Kindred72
    (Germany, England, Celts)
    Longbowman - "Crossbowman" by CivGeneral
    (Greece, Germany, Russia, France, Spain, Vikings, Ottomans, Celts)
    Guerilla - "Light Infantry" by Smoking mirror
    (Rome, Germany, France, England)
    Guerilla - "Separatist" by utahjazz7
    (Russia, Scandinavia, Celts)

    Spearman - "Centurian" (Phalanx) by Jimmyh
    Catapult - "Ballista" by CivGeneral
    Galley - "War Galley" by Smoking mirror
    Knight - "Crusader" by Kinboat
    Caravel - "Galleass" by Colonel Kraken
    Galleon - "Late Galleass" by Colonel Kraken
    Infantry - "Italian Infantry" from PtW WWII Pack
    Tank - "Lancia" by Kinboat
    Mech Infantry - "Hitfist" by utahjazz7
    Modern Armor - "Ariete" by Boulboulgadol

    Archer - "Peltast" by Kryten
    Horseman - "Macedonian Companion Horseman" by Kryten
    Catapult - "Ballista" by CivGeneral
    Swordsman - "Hypaspist" by Kryten
    Galley - "War Galley" by Smoking mirror
    Knight - "Cataphract" by Kinboat
    Caravel - "Galleass" by Colonel Kraken
    Galleon - "Late Galleass" by Colonel Kraken
    Modern Armor - "Challenger 2" by utahjazz7

    Pikeman - "Polish Pikeman" by Steph
    Musketman - "Austrian Musketeer" by Steph
    Medieval Infantry - "Tuetonic Knight" by Jimmyh
    Cavalry - "Kavallerie" by Shady
    Rifleman - "Prussian Rifleman" by Nemisis Rex
    Infantry - "Reich Infantry" from PtW WWII Pack
    Battleship - "Bismark" by TVA22
    Bomber - "HE-111" by aaglo
    Fighter - "FW-190" from PtW WWII Pack
    Modern Armor - "Leopard 2" by Kinboat
    Mech Infantry - "Marder" by utahjazz7

    Pikeman - "Russian Pikeman" by Steph
    Knight - "Vityaz" by Steph
    Musketman - "Streletz" by Steph and Loulong
    Infantry - "Soviet Infantry" from PtW WWII Pack
    Tank - "T-34" from PtW WWII Pack
    Fighter - "Sturmovick" from PtW WWII Pack
    Marine - "Spetsnaz" by Balou
    Nuclear Submarine - "Severodvinsk" by Akula
    Jet Fighter - "Mig-21" by Bebro
    Mech Infantry - "BMP3" by utahjazz7
    Modern Armor - "T-90" by Boulboulgadol
    Radar Artillery - "Scud Launcher" by Wyrmshadow

    Explorer - "Troubadour" by Kinboat
    Pikeman - "French Pikeman" by Elsihe
    Medieval Infantry - "Frank" by utahjazz7
    Knight - "Norman Knight" by Kinboat
    Frigate - "Ship of the Line" by Colonel Kraken
    Rifleman - "French Rifleman" by Nemisis Rex
    Infantry - "Legion Etranger" by pi8ch
    Paratrooper - "Parachutiste" by Balou
    Tank - "Renault" by Kinboat
    Jet Fighter - "Rafale" by BeBro
    Modern Armor - "Leclerc" by Boulboulgadol

    Archer - "Woodsman" by Kinboat
    Pikeman - "British Pikeman" by embryodead
    Musketman - "English Musketeer" by Steph
    Cavalry - "English 17c Dragoon" by Steph
    Rifleman - "Foot Guard" by BAP
    Infantry - "British Infantry" from PtW WWII Pack
    Bomber - "Lancaster Bomber" by Wyrmshadow
    Fighter - "Bristol Beaufighter" by aaglo
    Tank - "Churchill" from PtW WWII Pack
    Jet Fighter - "Harrier Jumpjet" by Smoking Mirror
    Modern Armor - "Challenger 2" by utahjazz7

    Musketman - "Spanish Musketeer" by Steph
    Cannon - "Bombard" by Jimmyh
    Frigate - "Ship of the Line" by Colonel Kraken
    Cavalry - "Heavy Conquistador" by Jimmyh
    Modern Armor - "Toro Tank" by Boulboulgadol

    Pikeman - "Swedish Pikeman" by Elsihe
    Medieval Infantry - "Galloglass" by Kinboat
    Knight - "Norman Knight" by Kinboat
    Musketman - "Carolean" (Swedish Musketer) by Steph
    Caravel - "Longboat" by Kal-el
    Jet Fighter - "JAS Gripen" by pesoloco
    Mech Infantry - "CV9040" by utahjazz7
    Modern Armor - "Stridsvagn" by Boulboulgadol

    Galley - "Persian Galley" by Kryten
    Horseman - "Mounted Bowman" (Eastern Horse Archer) by Kryten
    Swordsman - "Eastern Swordsman" (Muslim Fanatic) by Yoda Power
    Pikeman - "Turkish Pikeman" by Steph
    Medieval Infantry - "Turk Infantry" by Smoking Mirror
    Longbowman - "Arab Archer" by Steph
    Knight - "Arabian Knight" by Lab Monkey
    Musketman - "Janissary" by Steph
    Caravel - "Arabian Caravel" by Kinboat
    Mech Infantry - "Cobra" by utahjazz7

    Warrior - "Woad Raider" by Jimmyh
    Archer - "Pictish Warrior" by utahjazz7
    Medieval Infantry - "Scottish Swordsman"by Kindred72
    Musketman - "Highlander Musketman" by Steph and Loulong
    Rifleman - "Guardsman" by Lab Monkey

    Galley - "Pirate Ship" (Barbarian Galley) by Lab Monkey

  • #2
    uh.... this is the next i'm going to play... it's just soooo tempting
    - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
    - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


    • #3
      now i took a closer look at it. i had somehow expected that these UUs had own stats but it looks like they're just graphical goodies, no change in gameplay.

      but anyway: looks great
      - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
      - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


      • #4
        Been playing as the brits up to the middle ages now, and love the scenario. It is amacing how the different countries expand very simmilar to real life
        If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.


        • #5
          i started one too... as the germans. it's huge (200x200), wow!

          i noticed something strange:
          the territory borders (/art/terrain/territory.pcx) for flat land looks like it's the one for hills.

          in the upgrade paths there are some strange things, but not too bad.

          well done
          - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
          - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

