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running out of Resources

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  • running out of Resources

    don't know if this is the right forum but here goes

    i get the running outta resource message followed but a new resource found message. And the new source will be in the same place..

    does this happen for u and is it meant to happen like this? im guessing not cause it would then b pointless for u to b able to run out (a great reson for expansion/war =)

  • #2
    hmm. Have you applied all the latest patches?
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    • #3
      This is certainly possible, as the calculations for where the new resource will be take place occur after the resource is removed and the tile becames available for another resource.

      How many times has this happened? You could simply be the one in a billion case where the resource pops up in the same tile several times in a row. This is especially possible in certain circumstances, like Oil on a warm & wet map (Warm means little tundra, wet means equator tiles will tend toward jungle rather than desert, and oil only appears on tundra and desert).


      • #4
        it shouldn't appear the same place it disappears... most of hte time its somewhere completely random
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        rocking on everest


        • #5
          In my games I often find iron disappears and then reappears in the same place. IIRC it did so twice in the same spot in one game. Other resources usually move somewhere else.

          As has been said, it depends on the map conditions but certainly is possible.
          Never give an AI an even break.

