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scottisch soldier

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  • scottisch soldier

    i have made a scottisch soldiers and saved him in gif,because i still not have to hell a f*** of idea how to integreat it in civ3.

    it schould be like the marine(same size and numbers)
    Attached Files
    thanks to all soldiers in all the wars that they have given me the freedom to speak and write,like the germans,english,austrians and russians in the napoleonics wars,like the france,english,american and russians in ww2
    and thanks for all the losers for losing.
    soldiers dont make mistakes ,political does

  • #2

    i have make the animation with maxon cinema 4d

    i used animation shop 3 from paint shop pro7 to pressed it in hte gif format

    but flicster said i have no direction like nw,n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w

    even when i load a civ3 fli animation and saved it ,flicster said i have no direction


    thanks to all soldiers in all the wars that they have given me the freedom to speak and write,like the germans,english,austrians and russians in the napoleonics wars,like the france,english,american and russians in ww2
    and thanks for all the losers for losing.
    soldiers dont make mistakes ,political does


    • #3
      An animation shop flc file and a Civ3 flc file are two very different things unfortunately.

      There are two tools you need to use : Flicster and SBB.

      I advise you strongly to look at both threads.

      My personal but limited advice would be to focus on copy/paste (you can do heavy modifs with that) using PSP (create an FMX with Flicster then you can modify it with PSP and replace the old one (be sure to save over a copy)). To try to do an animation leds to utter frustration because you think you have done the job then realize it is not true.
      + you don't have so many palette pbs.

      And this is the one already done : middle of the page
      The Great Armada scenario


      • #4
        Yea, Flicster generates one still image from the weird Civ Flic format and then you can paste the frames into it.


        • #5

          yeah i see the problems ,thanks for help ,i think i can make it now

          and yes there are 497 units make by civfanatics,the same scotsh soldier,just alittle better then my

          now i look for something that dont exit,like
          snake pistol,john wayne or terminator
          thanks to all soldiers in all the wars that they have given me the freedom to speak and write,like the germans,english,austrians and russians in the napoleonics wars,like the france,english,american and russians in ww2
          and thanks for all the losers for losing.
          soldiers dont make mistakes ,political does

