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Utility idea: Unit validator

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  • Utility idea: Unit validator

    Simply speaking, a tool which reads your scenario's pediaicons.txt, and checks all unit .ini files for missing .wavs and .flcs, as well as checking for correct pedia icons. If you like this idea, it could be available as early as next week.

    This program will require .NET framework, available from Windows Update site.
    Last edited by maciek; July 18, 2003, 12:22.
    Military Research and Simulations Initiative

  • #2
    A somewhat interesting idea, I already have the .NET framework.

    I am not paying to use any mod or program! I think we should keep the mods and programs free for everyone to use, as everyone in the community participates. Charging for it is absurd.

    I would rather not validate my txt files and instead just start the game. You know when you start the game and play test it it will give you an error and tell you what is wrong when it finds a problem, and I would hope that evryone who mods plays their creations before releasing them anyway.
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    • #3
      Military Research and Simulations Initiative


      • #4
        It's an interesting idea, and could be useful to some people. Several months back I wrote a similar thing in perl to run a check for a scenario I was testing. It wasn't particularly robust and was never fully developed, but it did identify some previously unknown problems. FWIW, I, personally, would not download the .NET framework or pay for a program with this functionality.


        • #5
          I changed my mind, I won't charge for it - it's a ridiculous idea indeed. However it will still require .NET, so you'll have to download the .NET framework if you want to use it.
          Military Research and Simulations Initiative

