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I Need Science!!!

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  • I Need Science!!!

    Okay, here's my problem. I've been playing CIV3 for about 2 weeks now. And the one thing I noticed each game my science research sucks and I always trail the AI's especially when the GR. LIB expires when education is discovered--which IMO is WAY TOO EARLY. Scientists create only one beaker--that sucks too. Republic is no help due wanton unhappiness and corruption. Increase Entertainers to quell unhappiness lose out on money and research.

    Example of what I'm talking: Current game

    King/Large Archipelago/10 civs/raging barbs
    Current Gov: Republic Total cities (including captured ones): 24 (can't get any bigger, all possible land claimed by me--see exception below)
    Wonders: GL & Oracle (both expired), HG, FP, HE, Sistine, Sun Tzu, & Leo.

    I shared my extremely large island with one AI who turned out to be puching bag. I left him with 4 cities (3pop or less) so I can get GLs to help with Wonders and Improvements since my corruption (even with Forbidden Palace doesn't help) is staggering.

    Current sliders 70% taxes, 10% science, 20% Luxuries

    At 70%, taxes is generating 20-30 gold a turn. I need this because gold reserves go to hurry production for temples, colums, & cath's to quell unhappiness.
    20% luxury is the min. Any less and I have to convert pop to specialists which further reduces my already low production. So science is left with only 10%.

    Early in the game I was fortunate to get a tech out of every goodie I discovered. Except for one settler. 15 techs in all; the rest came from Gr.Lb. I didn't discover anything by myself. Now the AI has Astronomy and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

    If this was CIV2 and I had the Wonders & Cities I have now at even Deity I would be kicking ass.


    "And his word shall carry
    death eternal to those who
    stand against righteousness."

  • #2
    Marketplaces - should be built in your main cities before you switch to Republic. Generates more gold and more happiness from luxuries.

    Luxuries - the more types the better. Ensure at least one of each type available in your territory is hooked up to all your cities. If you can trade with other AI's for luxuries then do so.

    You say you are using an AI as a punch bag. Being at war under Republic causes war weariness and increases unhappiness. Don't stay at war in Republic longer than you need to.

    Stop rushing happiness improvements. Allow the governors to control citizen moods (but nothing else) and they will keep your cities running. Divert the money into science. A 20% luxury rate should be enough, I never use more than that at Monarch level.

    Go for banking. Build banks first and then universities in your main cities.

    It's too late in your current game but the early game is either no research and save money for unit upgrades to crush the AI's or research at 100% for as long as possible. If you have the Great Library you should still research in the medieval period but avoid education and go towards gunpowder.

    Final tip - when you have one turn to go on research, see if you can turn the science slider down to save money.

    Posting a save for people to look at often means they can give you more specific advice.
    Never give an AI an even break.


    • #3
      The science pourcentage is far too low for this Era!!!!
      During my games the luxury rate is always 0%. The science rate is as high as possible to not lose money, except during Ancient Era where it is useless. As soon as I can I exchange my techs to get the ones I do not have and then sell thecs to get money. At the end of the Medieval Era I am the tech leader with science rate between 80% and 100% (except last turn before discovering the tech). The next Eras I keep my leadership, build all the wonders and focus on my army.

      Edit: I play huge maps with 16 civs at monarch level.
      "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)

