Okay, here's my problem. I've been playing CIV3 for about 2 weeks now. And the one thing I noticed each game my science research sucks and I always trail the AI's especially when the GR. LIB expires when education is discovered--which IMO is WAY TOO EARLY. Scientists create only one beaker--that sucks too. Republic is no help due wanton unhappiness and corruption. Increase Entertainers to quell unhappiness lose out on money and research.
Example of what I'm talking: Current game
King/Large Archipelago/10 civs/raging barbs
Current Gov: Republic Total cities (including captured ones): 24 (can't get any bigger, all possible land claimed by me--see exception below)
Wonders: GL & Oracle (both expired), HG, FP, HE, Sistine, Sun Tzu, & Leo.
I shared my extremely large island with one AI who turned out to be puching bag. I left him with 4 cities (3pop or less) so I can get GLs to help with Wonders and Improvements since my corruption (even with Forbidden Palace doesn't help) is staggering.
Current sliders 70% taxes, 10% science, 20% Luxuries
At 70%, taxes is generating 20-30 gold a turn. I need this because gold reserves go to hurry production for temples, colums, & cath's to quell unhappiness.
20% luxury is the min. Any less and I have to convert pop to specialists which further reduces my already low production. So science is left with only 10%.
Early in the game I was fortunate to get a tech out of every goodie I discovered. Except for one settler. 15 techs in all; the rest came from Gr.Lb. I didn't discover anything by myself. Now the AI has Astronomy and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
If this was CIV2 and I had the Wonders & Cities I have now at even Deity I would be kicking ass.
