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  • @ straybow

    3070 BC turn

    Great turmoil has caused distress in the Assyrian Court, and a few heads have rolled.
    The struggle for power continued behind the scenes during the last decade, and the influence of different factions has seen quite a few changes. The warfactions thought they had it their way when they succesfully pushed for the sacking of Tarsus, and they thought to have a puppet on the Throne in Mandaru. But they were wrong. Mandaru had acknoledged the threat Tarsus posed to Assyria, but he knew war was not a goal in itself, but only a means to secure the eternal Assyrian lands. He eagerly accepted the mediation of his Egyptian brother, Pharaoh Ramesses II, and he pushed actively for a settlement with the Hatte. This to the great dismay of the warfactions, headed by the great warrior Deth Tual.
    When negotiations took a big step forward with the dispatch of a negotiator to Hattusas, and the envoy send was picked from the southern tribes who had opposed the militairy campaign against the Hittites, Deth called upon his fellow tribesmen from the north and many meetings were held. In secret, they thought…

    When news came from the Hatte capital that the house of Tanelorn was no longer in power, Deth smiled, as he was confident that the ruler of the Hatte was disposed of in the turmoil that must have disrupted the Hittite society following the outbreak of hostilities with Assyria, and he was sure the war would last long, and great booty lay waiting for him in the many Hittite cities. His armies would grow strong, and when the war would be over, his powerfull troops would return triumphantly to Nineveh, and they would surely bring him to power.

    How wrong would his assesment prove to be.
    Power in Hatta was ceded to the house of Staybow when the last heir of the Tanelorns had to abdicate for health reasons, at the point where an agreement had practically been reached on the spheres of influence between Assyria and Hatta. Pharaoh's mediation had allowed for an honourable peace, where the loot from Tarsus would return, and the recently captured slaves in southern Assyria would be send to Hatta to compensate for the loss of the Hittite settlement. For this, the Hatte would acknoledge the Assyrian sovereignty over the city radius of Ishkandaroun, and the river Seyhan that is the lifeline of the city.
    The new King of the Hatte quickly settled the minor details of the agreement, and soon oxen-carts were seen leaving the Royal Treasury, bound for Hattusas.

    Furious that his plans were being obstructed, Deth went to the Royal Palace with his bodyguards to demand the anullment of the cease-fire by Mandaru. Unfortunate for him, his loyal troops were well away from the capital, allready celebrating the loot they were going to get when they crossed the border north of Karkemish, and Mandaru, not quite the fool he was thought to be, had ordered his Palace Guards to be on full alert ever since he had had word of Deth's secret meetings. When Mandaru defended his honourable peace with the Hatte, Deth could not control himself, and he hurled himself on the Assyrian King, a poisoned dagger in his hand. Though a proud and experienced warrior, he was no match for the Guards that had stood close to the Throne, and Deth never made it near Mandaru. He was thrown off his feet, and fell on the dagger meant for the King. Within seconds, Deth died an agonizing death, and his loyals were swifly overwhelmed, and later that day executed for high treason.
    The northerners had been dealt a terrible blow, and many of the posts they held among the advisors of the King were now being transfered to southereners, most notably that on militairy and foreign affairs.

    Armies were being recalled, and the training of new troops halted. Ordered weaponry from the artisans in the empire were thrown on big piles, and good use for them will have to be found, now that they have become obsolete. Maybe the spearshafts can be used as timber? Maybe the timber can even be traded within or outside the empire? What a waste, the southerners say, but maybe a profit can still be made?

    Thus has ended the Northern War.

    An open message to the Kings of Persia, Hatta, Babylonia and Egypt:
    King Mandaru is contemplating to send out Assyrian traders to the four corners of the world. To establish demand for Assyrian goods, Assyrian troops will be send into your respectives territories. We ask to all of you if this is acceptable, and if any retrictions will apply to Assyrian troops in your territory.

    Tribesmen in the far east shared with us their knowledge on an advanced barter system. Assyrian scolars are looking for ways to implement this idea into the Assyrian economy.

    At the same time, in the pivotal town of Dibshiya, the governour has set up a barter system of his own, drawing many traders to the central sqaure, and increasing the revenues on the local taxes. The state Treasury in Nineveh benefit accordingly.

    Assyrian Charioteers meet Persian scouts in the far north. The setting of this encounter was very fortunate. The magnificent scenery, the refreshing source of the Euphrates river and the abundant prescence of grapes in the surrounding hills all contributed to a relaxed atmosphere, and the brothers-in-arms shared many stories about their travels in these lands. They camped side by side for many days and nights.

    tableaux in the Royal Palace artists depicts the meeting

    The Charioteers have told the Persians that if they travel further west, they may encounter the Assyrian city of Karkemish. They are welcome to the ciy, but they should leave any irrigated fields free for Assyrian citizens to work on.

    Many roads are under construction or have been finished. Having a militairy purpose at first, these roads will benefit trade as well, and they will allow for swift transport of slaves and goods to the north. The north will long suffer from the infamy their shegh Deth Toal has brought upon them, but they will forever benefit from the (militairy) infrastructure build there over the last decade.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by germanos; October 29, 2003, 06:26.
    "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
    "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


    • Originally posted by germanos
      King Mandaru is contemplating to send out Assyrian traders to the four corners of the world. To establish demand for Assyrian goods, Assyrian troops will be send into your respectives territories. We ask to all of you if this is acceptable, and if any retrictions will apply to Assyrian troops in your territory.
      Troops - do you mean chariots, noble leader?
      Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


      • And who else should the King trust to report such matters faithfully, and promptly?

        The Hatte also seek trading partners across the mountains and seas. Our units visiting foreign cities shall not impede traffic on royal roads where possible.

        We ask that foreigners visiting the Hatte motherland obey local customs. Civilized travellers bear to the right allow opposing traffic to pass by on the left.
        (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
        (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
        (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


        • Originally posted by SlowThinker

          Troops - do you mean chariots, noble leader?
          They could be any kind, oh wise Babylonian King. Chariots have the advantage of moving fast, but they may disrupt the tranquil peasents in the lands we visit.

          Warriors on horseback would also be very nice, but have the same disadvantage.

          Skirmishers sure would cause the least problems, so if faster units are not allowed, we could settle for them, but we would ask permission to use roads in that case.

          In time, the caravans themselves will scout the foreign lands. We just need to know some city locations to get started.

          To the Hatte:
          Any Assyrian scouts will obey any directions given, and will move through the barren lands if so requested.

          Assyrian Charioteers have encountered a band of Swordsmen on the eastern Euphrates. Will this unit head back to Hatta, or will it move southwards?
          "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
          "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


          • Peasants are a skittish and untrusting lot, My Lord Mandaru (and Kings of the far corners). Roving bands must forage, and must winter wherever they find themselves.

            Thus, wherever soldiers find shelter, the peasants fear for their women-folk and for their meager foodstores. They flee to a neighboring region in numbers too great for the King's servants direct them where they should be most productive.

            Is this not true in all the world, O wise Kings? Even Skirmishers disrupt the peasants unless the peoples are united in alliance and intermarriage. Horsemen can more easily move away from villages to pasture in the open when winter comes.

            Therefore, O Lords, the young Hatte horsemen shall set out wide and far on their King's business. We pray that their wanderlust not lead them into overmuch trouble, and that their impetuous nature should temp neither the Gods nor the rulers of distant lands.

            Note well, My Lord Mandaru, the intrepid band of swordsmen had been sent Eastward in some previous dynasty. While their bravery is lauded they are wearied. Their Captain wishes to bring them home, rafting upon the Great River through the lands of Asshur.
            (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
            (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
            (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


            • Wise words indeed, Oh enlightened ruler of the house of Straybow.

              When traveling in the lands of Assyria, scouts will be able to identify the fields on which our peasents work quite easily: they will have their fields irrigated, or they will have constructed mines in the hills. There are also many extraordinary features in the vincinity of our cities: peasents often have a special interest in these fields or hills. By these easily recognizable signs of Assyrian labour, any scouts will be able to travel our lands without much trouble to anybody.

              Indeed Horsemen, with their agility and endurance, will be the most apt explorers, and they can make considerable progress while at the same time allow for peace and tranquility in our lands.

              In reference to the Swordsmen: Our Charioteers have retreated downstream after the encounter, but not that far as to allow for free rafting in your next turn. If thy swordsmen are bound east of Karkemish, they would do best to travel further over land now. If the are bound west of Karkemish, they might best raft just a little bit, and they will be able to continue their journey a little later, when the Charioteers will have left.
              "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
              "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


              • The Persians have made several agreements with the previous King of the Hatte. We will be delighted to discuss them with you.
                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                • Yes, please PM me…

                  Unfortunately, nobody can help me make sense out of where previous dynasties placed cities. And why did Kull have to start the capital one tile away from a sweet spot?
                  (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                  (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                  (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                  • All the Capitals are preplaced. So blame Kull, not Tanelorn

                    As for the other cities, PM Tanelorn, or Chris62, or whoever was there as well... You are the fourth dynasty to rule the Hatte.

                    Oh, and they might have had a few Advanced Tribes, wh usually are just a little off the best spots.

                    Good luck!
                    "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                    "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                    • I did blame Kull for the capital

                      As for Adv Tribes: With the food box set at 20 it is easy to disband-to-settler. Heck, I did a solo start and I was sorely tempted to use the size 1 capital settler trick twice!

                      Given that this is set at barb wrath I'd do the mined hill city trick at every possibility. AE barbs are at least Bronze with attack 4, and barracks don't come until later in the tech tree. Even with City Walls the defense 2 units don't hold out for long on the plains.
                      Last edited by Straybow; October 30, 2003, 21:27.
                      (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                      (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                      (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                      • Re: Secret events that transpired

                        Originally posted by Straybow
                        Und at zis point we haff no record of vat vas said. Since you vill not tell us…
                        Unterubergruppenfuhrer, prepare ze headphones, und shall ve use der *NSynch zis time, herr Schtraybow?
                        * Straybow : Noooooooo!
                        To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                        From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                        • Pharoah's Gift

                          The news that his Royal Brothers to the North have laid down their swords is like a balm to the heart of Pharoah. Verily we of Egypt look with gladness toward the time when once more 'tis caravans that tread the roads of our lands, and not vengeful armies.

                          Pharoah also has an announcement of great import to all the nations: Merneptah's Visionaries have mastered the craft of "Map Making", a wondrous skill in which a likeness of vast empires may be inscribed upon a single sheet of papyrus! Pharoah immediately realized the utility of this invention, as it will allow for the establishment of mutually recognized boundaries and will greatly assist our nations in avoiding conflicts such as that which recently transpired between Assyria and Hatti.

                          In the spirit of brotherhood, Pharoah makes this offer to every nation that lies beneath the benevolent gaze of Ra - the craft of Map Making is thine simply for the asking! The immediate beneficiaries of this gift (should they so accept) are the nations of Hatti and Assyria. Since as yet the emissaries of Greece, Minos, Persia and Babylon have yet to grace the halls of Memphis, Pharoah would also ask his brothers to the North to pass the gift along as they have received it - free of charge.

                          (Pharoah awaits word from his brethren prior to posting the Save Game)
                          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                          • Pharaoh's gift is most generous.

                            An envoy has been dispatched to Memphis.
                            "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                            "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                            • Pharaoh's gift is most generous indeed.
                              ... but the sailing ability of the Minoan Navy doesn't allow to consider the long voyage to the Egyptian coast as secure
                              Our envoy waits on the pier until better weather is predicted by our meteo specialists.
                              Last edited by La Fayette; November 2, 2003, 12:45.
                              Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                              • Re: Pharoah's Gift

                                Originally posted by Kull
                                In the spirit of brotherhood, Pharoah makes this offer to every nation that lies beneath the benevolent gaze of Ra - the craft of Map Making is thine simply for the asking!
                                (Pharoah awaits word from his brethren prior to posting the Save Game)
                                The greek received this note by some brave tradesman, travelling around on places which never a greek eye has seen. Thus, again, we heard tales from the legendary folk of the egypts, and with admiration we heard about their new discovery of map making.
                                The greek folk is most impressed of this noble offer!
                                Immediately we discussed this matter with our science minister, but it seems that our greek scientists folk needs some more education and sedateness to be convinced. Here the opinion of our science minister in detail:

                                We will continue discussion with him, and as soon as he is convinced, we will send emissaries to gladly receive this noble offer.

