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ToT unit issues

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  • ToT unit issues

    Ive had ToT for a while.. i wanted to make custom scenarios like i could with civ2, but i was frustrated by the fact that you cant seem to edit unit graphics and the general lack of support in ToT for customising (tho i now understand there is a way to disable the animated sprites [by deleting them?] and will try this shortly...)

    I left tot for a while and got civ3, and tried the utils for making custom civ3 unit graphics.. this got me thinking, that someone must have made a similar util for making tot graphics, surely? This would be great because with ToT i can import work ive done on civ2 scenarios like terrain and rules, and the game plays a LOT faster than civ3 on my computer. (Tho i do loose out on the advanced features of civ3 ) It doesnt look like ToT has a huge following like some other civ games, but does such a utility exist somewhere?

    I have been looking for answers but im quite new to this and as you know there is a lot of stuff to read trhough/search for..

    thanks for any help

  • #2
    ToT has more "customizing" possiilities than Civ2 (more options in the rules and events.txt, more units, more tech)

    I don't know for the edit animated unit util but if u want change units/terrains graphics with no-animated units u can do it easily

    1-Patch ToT (1.1)
    2-make a copy of the "original" folder, in the "original" delete all *.img.bmp and *.spr files
    3-ready to play scenario, just download and unzip it

    if u want to play an "original" game with terrains and units animations, just use your copy of the"original" folder


    • #3
      When you delete all .spr files then ToT uses .bmp files for graphic. And these you can edit with simple Paint program.


      • #4
        Cool, thanks, yeah i got it to work . Deleting the sprite files sounds so simple! but i never installed ToT with the sprite files on hard disk, im always trting to cut down on HD usage.. i never figured it out before

        Anyway yeah i had the hang of editing civ2 graphic files before i got ToT.. i have the scenario pack that was released in the UK and the fantastic worlds addon with the editor, which i thought was pretty cool.. I found the civconverter util, to convert the graphics files from civ2 to civ ToT. Now im able to play my civ2 scenario in ToT with the proper unit graphics, which is great

        I just love creating things for games like this.. i cant stop... i must create! I have 18 extra units to play with in ToT version.. i have ideas for expanding my scenario across four alien worlds, with barbarian and alien civs with unique units... Its just a shame that there doesnt seem to be any extra research slots (or is there?)

        Thanks a lot for your help ... does anyone here still play ToT?? anyone want to try my scenario sometime? got any scenarios that i could try out? I look for ToT stuff online every so often but ive not had much luck in finding decent working dowloadable stuff except for soem great utils


        • #5
          Eyn's World , my webpage where u can dl ToT (french) scenarios & units

          The Cradle of Civilization another ToT website with tons of design guides

          Civfanatics which have a good ToT download section

          for your scenarios, make your own webpage where anyone could dl your works


          • #6
            cool! thanks!

