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ToT Fantasy Succession Game

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  • ToT Fantasy Succession Game

    Large map (75 X 120)
    Large Landmass
    Normal Climate
    3 billion years
    7 Civillzations
    Restless Barbs
    All custom features unticked
    Playing as Humans
    Starting Techs: Sagas, Ironsmithy, Ritual Burial and Kings Code.
    3950: Founded Oldgrange above ground and Newbridge underground.
    3900: Started research on Monarchy(already!).
    3750: Researched Monarchy, started research on coinage and revolted. H Warrior ready in Oldgrange, starting on settler.
    3700: H Warrior ready in Oldgrange, starting on settler.
    3650: Changed government to Monarchy.
    3400: Discovered coinage, begining research on Celestrial Navigation.
    3250: Oldgrange builds settler, starting work on another settler.

    Six Thousand Year Old Man
    *slot free*
    *slot free*
    *slot free*

    So who wants to go next?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Patashu; February 26, 2002, 00:57.
    Hi, I'm a sig virus. Pass me on by putting me in your sig!

  • #2
    Oups, as I am currently in 3 other succession games, I am not sure I can assume this one.
    But your idea is a good one
    I hope some others might get interested
    Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


    • #3

      This is a Fantasy game, and not the Midgard scenario, I guess? Looks like a good start, shall I go next? Any tips?

      Before you answer, I usually play ToT Emperor or Deity... but I've only played 2 Fantasy games...


      taking a breather from kickin' Human a** in the Invasion Earth game
      "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

      "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
      "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


      • #4
        You can go next. *updates list* And yes, it isn't the midgard scenario. Besides, since it's not a random map, you can know where everything is after a few times through.
        Hi, I'm a sig virus. Pass me on by putting me in your sig!


        • #5
          OK... DL'ed it. I should be able to play over the next couple of days.

          "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

          "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
          "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


          • #6
            3000: STYOM takes over the Kingdom.
            2950: Celestial Navigation discovered. Researching Trade. Newbridge completes Settler; starts Settler.
            2800: Oldgrange builds Settler; starts Settler.
            2600: Hut tipped; only an abandoned village.
            2500: Nottingham founded; Warrior started.
            2450: Trade discovered; Researching Ideograms.
            2400: Hastings founded. Building Settler. Warrior built on Nottingham; Crowns Emissary (a.k.a. Marco Polo) started. Canterbury founded; starts Settler.
            2300: Settler in Newbridge; Sorcerer started.
            2250: Oldgrange builds Settler; Caravan started.
            2100: Ideograms discovered; Researching Dagda's Gift.
            2050: Bede states that we are the happiest civilization.
            2000: STYOM retires, passing the torch to... anyone?... anyone? Any takers?

            That's all... I'm starting to recall how the Fantasy game is played. Trade arrows seem pretty hard to come by, underground, but production looks good in our town of Nottingham - perhaps a good place to build the Holy Quest (a.ka. KR Crusade) ? No obvious SSC has been founded yet, though. Gotta put down more cities, but without an irrigation source underground it's tough...

            Attached Files
            "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

            "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
            "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


            • #7
              Ok, my turn. Should have it done in a day or two.
              Hi, I'm a sig virus. Pass me on by putting me in your sig!


              • #8
                1800: Canterbury builds settler, starting work on another settler.
                Hastings builds settler, starting work on another settler.
                Got an E Archer out of a hut.
                1700: Discovered Dadga's Gift, Started research on Masonry.
                1650: Oldgrange builds caravan, but none of our cities demand what it supplies. Supplies with hides and put to sleep. Started work on Cauldron Of Plenty(Hanging Gardens).
                Got 50 Gold out of a hut.
                1500: Population of 200,000 reached.
                Sorcerer built in Newbridge, starting work on Sage's Library(Library).
                1450: Discovered Gob city and(at least) 3 goblin units to the northwest of Newbridge.
                1350: Contact established with Goblins. Peace treaty in affect.
                Discovered Masonry, starting research on Runes.
                Hastings Builds settler, starting work on Golden Orchard(Pyramids).
                Buteo City discovered to the south of Hastings.
                The Buteos have undertaken a great project: Golden Orchard!
                Canterbury builds settler, starting work on H Warrior.
                Got 25 gold out of a hut.
                1050: Covetry Founded: Starting work on H Warrior.

                Major landmarks: contact and peace with goblins, wonder race between us and Buteos for Golden Orchead(Pyramids).
                Attached Files
                Hi, I'm a sig virus. Pass me on by putting me in your sig!


                • #9
                  Probably I should have indicated that
                  a) I did dowload the latest save; and
                  b) I'm in the midst of playing some turns and should post within the next 2 days.

                  C'mon, no other takers? We should be in the midst of a nasty war with the Goblins soon.

                  "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                  "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                  "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                  • #10
                    (For the record, I could have posted Sunday AM, but couldn't get into the site )

                    STYOM is recalled once again by King Godwyn to serve as advisor for the Humans. We are no longer alone in the world! The rather smelly Goblins live to the east of us, underground, and the Buteo, the dangerous flying people, have a city south of our surface towns. Advisors inform STYOM that we are merely 2nd in population, and 5th in land area. Accordingly we must gain strength in numbers if we are to survive.

                    1) continued peace with Buteo and Goblins
                    2) more cities, to stake out territory and maintain a production/trade advantage
                    3) complete wonders, especially Cauldron of Plenty.

                    1000: Production in Nottingham changed to Cauldron of Plenty, Oldgrange to Golden Orchard, Hastings to Crown's Emissary. Workers shifted near Nottingham to complete Cauldron in 4 turns.

                    Elves start Cauldron of Plenty!

                    975: Warwick founded; building Warrior.

                    950: Runes discovered. Researching... ahh... umm... Althing.

                    There seems to be Goblins wandering amongst our surface cities! As a result, we rushbuild a warrior in Coventry, and our Archer moves back towards the undefended town of Hastings. Caravan used to help buld Golden Orchard in Oldgrange.

                    Rumor spreads of a large dragon hoard, deep underground.

                    925: Warrior built in Coventry; starts Sacred Menhir (Colossus). Warrior rush-built in Warwick. Canterbury builds second Warrior; starts Settler.

                    900: Cauldron of Plenty built in Nottingham! Elves abandon their Cauldron of Plenty. Nottingham celebrates, begins a Skald (diplomat). Warrior in Warwick; starts Settler. Goblin Cities HowlnGrowl and Holeinthewall located east of Newbridge.

                    825: Skald in Nottingham; starts Sorcerer. There's Goblins all over the surface now.

                    800: Newbridge builds Sage's Library; starts Settler. E Archer fortified in Hastings.

                    775: Oldgrange builds Golden Orchard! Buteos switch to Excalibur (Great Wall). Glad to see the other races don't like the same wonders that our King favours, thinks STYOM. Caravan started in Oldgrange. Althing discovered; researching Wood Lore. We revolt.

                    Buteos begin building Eye of Ran (Lighthouse).

                    750: Holeinthewall subverted from Goblins for 136 gold. 16 gold and Horse Breeding taken as plunder. 2 Goblins acquired. Not a bad purchase, thinks STYOM. Incidentally, the Goblins do not have any other techs that we don't already possess. Production in Nottingham switched to Skald.

                    725: Government changed to Althing (trade set to 1.2.7) Newcastle founded with Canterbury Warrior inside square (rehomed).

                    700: Canterbury, Hastings, Nottingham celebrate. Skald tips hut near Holeinthewall, finds NON S Settler. Also, our Skald reveals Diamonds in the Nottingham radius (that's going to be a VERY useful city!). Oxford founded; starts Warrior.

                    Barbarian Night Riders sighted!

                    675: Liverpool founded; starts Warrior. Trade changed to 1.4.5 to keep celebrations going.

                    650: Trade changed to 2.2.6 as celebrations will end next turn anyway. Magic=3 turns.

                    Barbarian Night Rider kills our Warrior in Coventry.

                    625: Wood Lore discovered; researching Mathematics. Sorcerer in Coventry defeats Night Rider (No Skalds available to bribe it). Buteo Hawkman and Settler sighted near Kestrel Plains. Sorcerer rushed in Nottingham for 31 gold. My liege, it seems we have enemies everywhere!

                    600: Oldgrange builds Silks Caravan; starts Sorcerer. Sorcerer built in Nottingham; starts Barracks. Sorcerer kills Barbarian king near Coventry, but dies heroically after killing second Night Rider

                    Howln'growl (Goblin) subverted for 280 gold. We plunder 40 gold and a Goblin unit. Warrior in Liverpool; Settler started.

                    Goblins offer us a peace treaty which we accept. They show as 4th in the power bar rankings that appear in our audience room.

                    575: Newbridge builds Settler; starts Caravan. Warrior in Oxford; starts Settler.

                    Buteo change production from Excalibur to Wizard's Conclave (Great Library). Buteo abandon work on Eye of Ran.

                    550: Mathematics discovered; Researching Natural Philosophy.

                    525: Dover founded; building Warrior (rushed). Hastings in disorder; Jester hired.

                    Elves begin construction of Eye of Ran (Lighthouse). My liege, the wandering sage Bragi considers us the most Advanced society in the world! (Goblins 5th).

                    500: Holeinthewall celebrates. Jesters hired in Oldgrange and Canterbury to make those cities celebrate. Oldgrange-Hastings silk (demanded), 26 gold. Warrior in Dover; Settler started.

                    STYOM retires as adviser to Consul Godwyn once again, doing his best Henry Kissinger impression.

                    The situation: NON-Settler in Nottingham can irrigate SW of city, and if it does, we can get our super production city, Nottingham, growing again. We're #1 in all Demographics except Land Area, Military Service, and Family Size (??), but our defenses are rather weak. Thus, many Sorcerers are in production - they're mobile and fight better than anything else we have, albeit they do crash after 6 moves

                    Lots of good choices to make: do we boost city size with celebrations (put luxuries up) or maintain our lead in magic (currently 4 turns/discovery), or boost taxes in the short turn so we can rush-build and finally finish Sacred Menhir in Coventry? And do we really want the Crown's Emissary (Marco Polo) in Hastings, or should we rush to research Druid Lore so we can switch construction to Altar of Enlightenment (Michelangelo's)?

                    And of course, there are still bl**dy Goblin units everywhere. They're like roaches... we captured 2 nests and that still hasn't slowed them down.

                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Six Thousand Year Old Man; March 4, 2002, 10:50.
                    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                    • #11
                      475:WLTKD celebrated in Newcastle, Canterbury and Nottingham.
                      Nottingham completes barracks, starting work on Wizard's Conclave(Great Library).
                      450: Discovered Natural Philosophy, The Guild chosen as bonus tech, Starting research on Theurgy.
                      WLTKD canceled in Holeinthewall.
                      425: WLTKD canceled in Newcastle and Canterbury.
                      Sorcerer Built in Oldgrange, starting work on Excalibur(Great Wall).
                      400: WLTKD celebrated in Newcastle.
                      375: Contact with Buteos, peace and Natural Philosophy exchanged for shipbuilding.
                      Stygians have discovered Ally w Dwarves.
                      350: The Stygians have undertaken a great project: Sacred Menhir(Colossus)!
                      Settler built in Newcastle, starting work on Bazzar.
                      WLTKD canceled in Newcastle.
                      Liverpool builds settler, starting work on Docks.
                      Rolnboil discovered to the north of Howlingrowl.
                      325: Sneak attack by goblins! Settler killed
                      Barb Griffin attacks Coventry and kills sorcerer! Pop decrease.
                      Sorcerer built in Canterbury, starting work on Sage's Library.
                      Theurgy discovered, starting research on Megalithic Tombs.
                      300: The elves have changed projects from Eye Of Ran(Lighthouse) to Sacred Menhir(Colossus)!
                      WLTKD celebrated in Howl'ngrowl!
                      Hides Caravan built in Newbridge, starting work on Wizard's Tower.
                      275: Goblin unit fended off in Newcastle, H Warrior upgraded to Veteran status
                      250: Civil Disorder in Hastings! Entertainer hired.
                      WLTKD canceled in Howl'ngrowl.
                      Sorcerer killed two fortrified goblins next to Holeinthewall!
                      225: The buteos have nearly completed their great project: Wizards Conclave(Great Library)!
                      Civil Disorder in Canterbury! Entertainer hired and switched to temple.
                      Civil Disorder in Newbridge! Entertainer hired and switched to temple.
                      Megalithic tombs discovered, starting research on Festivals.
                      Brighton founded, starting work on H Warrior.
                      Nottingham switches from Wizard's Conclave(Great Library) to Merlin's Oracle(Oracle).
                      200: Goblin unit fended off in Howl'ngrowl.
                      Eagle's Aerie(Buteo) builds Wizard's Conclave(Great Library)
                      The Buteos have changed projects from Wizard's Conclave(Great Library) to Excalibur(Great Wall)!
                      Goblin killed near Oldgrange by Sorcerer.
                      Trade route established between Newbridge and Dover. 12 Gold and 1 gold per turn.
                      175: The Infidels have undertaken a great project: Sacred Menhir(Colossus)!
                      150: H Warrior built in Brighton, starting work on Settler.
                      125: Goblin Archer(?) kills H Warrior in Dover, pop decrease. Sorcerer kills tham back and becomes veteran
                      100: Hastings completes The Crown's Emmissary(Marco Polo Emb.)! Started work on Sages Library.
                      Sacred Menhir rushed in Coventry. 29 gold left.
                      75: The Elves have nearly completed their great project, Sacred Menhir(Colossus) but we beat them to it 2 change to Eye of Ran(lighthouse) and one changes to Excalibur(Great Wall)
                      Buteo has revolution.
                      Warwick builds settler, starting work on another settler.
                      WLTKD celebrated in Coventry!
                      Festivals discovered, starting research on Astrology.
                      Liverpool builds docks, starting work on Sage's library.
                      Newbridge builds Temple, starting work on Wizard's Tower.
                      50: Stygians and Merfolk declear war on each other.
                      Goldleaf(Elvish) Builds Eye Of Ran(Lighthouse). 1 Civ changes to Excalibur(Great Wall).
                      WLTKD canceled in Coventry.
                      Canterbury builds Temple, starting work on Sage's Library.
                      25: Oxford builds Settler, starting work on another settler.
                      Humans Capture Roilnboil(Goblins). 56 gold and warcraft plundered. Starting work on Settler.
                      Sorcerer kills S Night Rider near Dover.
                      1: Merfolk discover Celestial Navigation!
                      Barb King and Barb S Night Rider discovered near Newcastle.
                      Newcastle builds Bazzar, starting work on Sage's Library.
                      Major landmarks: Peace with Buteos, war with Goblins. We built Sacred Menhir(Colossus) and The Crown's Emmissary(Marco Polo Emb.) but others built Eye of Ran(Lighthouse) and Wizard's Conclave(Great Library).
                      And as midnight of the First Age(B.C.) passes, Patashu steps down from the throne.
                      Attached Files
                      Hi, I'm a sig virus. Pass me on by putting me in your sig!


                      • #12
                        Shall I go again, or should we wait for someone else to join our epic? Looks like it's getting interesting.

                        "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                        "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                        "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                        • #13
                          You can play, and I think I'll pm Zealot and ask if he/she wants to play.
                          Hi, I'm a sig virus. Pass me on by putting me in your sig!


                          • #14
                            Invite other. I can't play two games. I don't have enough time. Try Marcel and Sharpe from my games. Or Ecowiz Returns! He might be available!

                            I just hope that Mr. Sharpe plays his turn before playing in here!

                            Edit: And I'm a he! There are really few girls on Apolyton, even fewer that play/played Civ, and none plays ToT!
                            Last edited by Zealot; March 5, 2002, 06:17.
                            "BANANA POWAAAAH!!! (exclamation Zopperoni style)" - Mercator, in the OT 'What fruit are you?' thread
                            Join the Civ2 Democratic Game! We have a banana option in every poll just for you to vote for!
                            Many thanks to Zealot for wasting his time on the jobs section at Gamasutra - MarkG in the article SMAC2 IN FULL 3D?
                            Always thought settlers looked like Viking helmets. Took me a while to spot they were supposed to be wagons. - The pirate about Settlers in Civ 1


                            • #15
                              Have no fear, I'm playing some turns.

                              "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                              "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                              "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)

