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Has ToT stood the test of time?

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  • #16
    JayKay, yes you were right for the selling of improvements
    And the graphics are indeed a matter of taste and maybe of habit
    For the AI, I'm not sure it's very different from MGE. It seems to me there was a discussion some monthes ago, in the strategy forum, but I am not that sure
    Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


    • #17
      A fair number of people have reported the AI as being better than that in MGE (which I don't have). It certainly seems better than the FW AI which stands to reason with the added multiple map features and the AI's ability to cross between them.
      I've also noticed that some of the features really seem to work. Everybody knows about the sub flag that never made a unit stealthy to any AI, but the new "invisible until attacks" (I think I have that right) really seems to work. I never once had any of my units attacked prematurely while moving into positions. They really did seem invisible.
      The ability to assign any sound to any unit is also a plus for scen makers, as well as the engineer flag to unit slots other than 2. If only they had been able to lift some of the other restrictions on units/flags to allow for example, air freight or sea diplomats, etc ....


      • #18
        Personally I think MGE/UCC won. The main reason I think this is because they tried to make it harder to put MODs in TOT and tools out the tools. Why? well I never did find out, it had to do with Hasbro not supporting modifications to it's games. I'm just glad it's included in Civ 3.
        I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


        • #19
          Problem with loading saved files on magezine tot

          I got TOT of a magezine (who would buy it?)

          When I decide I should save the game and , next day I re-load the game and go to bed (2am) the graphics are disgusting. It looks like original CIVII graphics but lots of "crap"/messy display of those graphics .

          I have tried patch 1.1 but still the same.

          Any ideas??

          Plus the selected unit has blue flashing boxes to "hilight"



          • #20
            Re: Problem with loading saved files on magezine tot

            Originally posted by Zonnald

            I don't know who told you, but that image isn't from Civ 2 ToT!!

            Civ 2 ToT graphics doesn't have anything to do with Civ 2 MGE graphics!! (they're tottally different, even the units)

            That's a Civ 2 MGE Scenario at most, probably with the units.gif or the cities.gif damaged!!


            Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
            Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
            and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)
            "Every day Mankind fights a battle against Nature, forgetting if winning, Mankind will be among the defeated!"


            • #21
              I never had a problem with ToT's graphics being too dark- but I like them dark anyhow.

              I did, however, not like CivII's graphics: WAY too bright and cartoonish for me.

              Heck, I even liked Civ1's graphics better than CivII's.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Anunikoba
                Heck, I even liked Civ1's graphics better than CivII's.
                You got to be kidding!!

                I mean, the Castle thing was very good (can't say the same thing about the Throne Room), but the rest.....i'm not saying i dislike it too much (i've played civ 1 a lot - even this year), but the graphics in Civ 2 are better!!

                But,'s my opinion against yours!!

                And opinions are not argueable, right?
                (it's an old saying in my country)

                Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
                Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
                and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)
                "Every day Mankind fights a battle against Nature, forgetting if winning, Mankind will be among the defeated!"


                • #23
                  Re: Re: Problem with loading saved files on magezine tot

                  Originally posted by JayKay

                  I don't know who told you, but that image isn't from Civ 2 ToT!!

                  Civ 2 ToT graphics doesn't have anything to do with Civ 2 MGE graphics!! (they're tottally different, even the units)

                  That's a Civ 2 MGE Scenario at most, probably with the units.gif or the cities.gif damaged!!


                  Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
                  Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
                  and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)
                  I am telling you that this jpg was taken after reloading the Tot saved game in Tot, by me, on my machine.

                  I have sinced reinstalled and made sure that I saved the game in other than the top TOT directory and it seems to work ok - I have also noted that in this top directory are units.gif and cities.gif from the mge version, and the files are definitely not damaged.

                  Also note: I did get this version of Tot of a magazine cover.



                  • #24
                    Re: Re: Re: Problem with loading saved files on magezine tot

                    Originally posted by Zonnald

                    I am telling you that this jpg was taken after reloading the Tot saved game in Tot, by me, on my machine.

                    I have sinced reinstalled and made sure that I saved the game in other than the top TOT directory and it seems to work ok - I have also noted that in this top directory are units.gif and cities.gif from the mge version, and the files are definitely not damaged.

                    Also note: I did get this version of Tot of a magazine cover.

                    I'm sorry...i wasn't very explicit!!

                    What i meant to said is that the image you presented was not from Civ 2 TOT original, but it could be a scenario or an edited gif file!!

                    So, the graphics showed on the image are not the TOT graphics! (not the original ones)! Trust me...i have TOT, it's nothing like that image!!

                    Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
                    Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
                    and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)
                    "Every day Mankind fights a battle against Nature, forgetting if winning, Mankind will be among the defeated!"


                    • #25
                      Jay, I don't think you understand what he is trying to say. Those screenshots that he is posting are the savegames AFTER he reloads the savegame from TOT. He was playing TOT, but the game was using the old Civ2 graphics. He was saving the game in the wrong directory and therefore, Civ2 used the wrong gif/bmp files for the graphics. Thats why his game didn't look like TOT at all, even though it was TOT.


                      • #26
                        Zonnald, I'm assuming you got this off the November Australian PC User?

                        So far I've had no problems with it like you've described. My gf and I have been playing a Hotseat game for a fair chunk of the day actually, and we've seen nothing like what you're getting. Hopefully it all comes good for you...
                        - mkl


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BigBear
                          Jay, I don't think you understand what he is trying to say. Those screenshots that he is posting are the savegames AFTER he reloads the savegame from TOT. He was playing TOT, but the game was using the old Civ2 graphics. He was saving the game in the wrong directory and therefore, Civ2 used the wrong gif/bmp files for the graphics. Thats why his game didn't look like TOT at all, even though it was TOT.
                          Yes....i was trying to say that exactly! That's why i said scenario, i meant he had saved the game in a directory of some scenario in Civ 2 Standard!

                          But no...i hadn't noticed that he was saying that this only happened after the reload, so....i think before he saved the game it was OK! I thought he was saying that picture was from a game he started (not reloaded), in that case i was trying to say that he saved the whole game in a directory of Civ 2 Standard!

                          Sorry...i wasn't very explicited, i thought you'd understand that what i was trying to say with "scenario" was in fact "wrong directory" because this had happened to me onetime in Civ 2 MGE when i saved a game in a scenario directory, and the game went beserk as it gathered the information from that scenario!

                          Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
                          Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
                          and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)
                          "Every day Mankind fights a battle against Nature, forgetting if winning, Mankind will be among the defeated!"


                          • #28
                            Civ2 Test of Time has stood the test of time because in the opening screen of a new game in Civ3 you are asked if you can build a civ that can stand the test of time!
                            signature not visible until patch comes out.


                            • #29
                              lol good reasoning with the quote. It's too bad ToT got gipped I think the main reason was thisL It came out too close to the realease of Civ3 and people were already established with FW and MGE. That's how it falls!
                              Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                              • #30
                                Hey you might want to check out the SLeague forum. Miner has announced he will finish work on ToTEdit! This great for anyone who wants to make a scenario for ToT! Look at it.
                                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game

