For those of you who haven't yet tried BB's great new scenario about the rise of Rome, I would highly reccommend it.
For those who have, what strategies do you use? Where do you attack first? Anyone win yet at deity?
Personally, I find myself stacking legions on hills 90% of the time. This might go against conventional wisdom, but most enemies lack units with strong enough attack to kill legions on hills early.
I strike Northern Italy first, since any independent cities that fall to barbs tend to drop to the 1-population level, making them impossible to conquer intact.
I tried conquering Spain once (after Italy, of course), but all I ended up with was three cities and a horde of angry Carthaginians. Stalemate.
It took some time to take Pella without destroying the city, but most of the rest of Greece fell fairly easily to the legions and catapults.
Anyone use cavalry here? The light cavalry worked fairly well as a scout, but I can't see the need for heavy cavalry-most of the fighting is in rough terrain, where legions thrive.
Anyway, post here with your strategies, and their success, or lack thereof.
PS. The Pedia.txt provides lots of laughs if you get really bored.
For those who have, what strategies do you use? Where do you attack first? Anyone win yet at deity?
Personally, I find myself stacking legions on hills 90% of the time. This might go against conventional wisdom, but most enemies lack units with strong enough attack to kill legions on hills early.
I strike Northern Italy first, since any independent cities that fall to barbs tend to drop to the 1-population level, making them impossible to conquer intact.
I tried conquering Spain once (after Italy, of course), but all I ended up with was three cities and a horde of angry Carthaginians. Stalemate.
It took some time to take Pella without destroying the city, but most of the rest of Greece fell fairly easily to the legions and catapults.
Anyone use cavalry here? The light cavalry worked fairly well as a scout, but I can't see the need for heavy cavalry-most of the fighting is in rough terrain, where legions thrive.
Anyway, post here with your strategies, and their success, or lack thereof.
PS. The Pedia.txt provides lots of laughs if you get really bored.
