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World War 2 Scenarios

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  • World War 2 Scenarios

    When playing a historical scenario, I sometimes use real history as a sort of scale to see how well I am doing, and whether it would be better to go on or restart because something is obviously wrong. So here's a brief history of the Second World War, in Europe (Asia chronology coming soon).

    Invasion of Poland (Sept. 1)
    Winter War: Finland vs. USSR (Nov.)
    "Phony" War: Maginot Line, Sieg. Line

    Invasion, May and June: Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxenbourg, Belgium.
    Dunkirk (June 4)
    Fall of France: 46 Days!
    Battle of Britain (Aug. 8 - Oct. 31)

    Invasion of Yugoslavia (April 6)
    Invasion of Greece (April 22)
    Capture of Crete (May 20)
    Invasion of Russia (June 22)

    Defense of Suez: El Alamein (November)
    Battle of Stalingrad (Nov. 19, lasted 199 days!)
    Capture of Casablanca, Oran, Algiers
    Capture of Tunis (May 7)

    Invasion of Sicily (July 9)
    Italian Surrender (September)
    Rome (May)

    Normany Invasion, D-day (June 6)
    "Battle of the Bulge" (Dec. 16)

    Recovered Holland (Feb.)
    Germans in Italy surrender
    May 7: V-E Day - unconditional surrender signed after 5 years, 8 months, and 6 days
    The strategically impaired,

  • #2
    And here... is the Asia version!

    Attack on Shanghai

    Invasion of China and "Panay"

    Hainan (Feb.)
    Spratly Island (March)

    Fall of French Indo-China

    Pearl Harbor (December 7)
    Prince of Wales and Repulse sunk (Dec. 10)

    Dutch East Indie: "Battle of Java Sea" (Feb 27)
    New Guinea: Buna and Port Moresby
    Battle of Coral Sea (May 7)
    Battle of Midway (June 7)
    Guadacanal (Solomon Islands Campaign)
    Rabaul, Bougainville
    Invasion of New Britain (Dec. 15)

    Invasion of the Gilbert Islands: Tarawa, Makin

    Marshalls: Kwajalein (Feb.)
    Marianas: Saipan (June) and Guam (July 21)
    Carolinas: Truk
    Battle of Phillippin Sea (June 18)
    Battle of Leyta Gulf (Oct. 20)
    Invasion of the Philippines (December)

    Invasion of the Philippines: Luzon
    Iwo Jima (Feb. 19)
    Okinawa (April 1)
    Hiroshima A-Bomb (Aug. 6)
    Soviet Union invades Manchuria (Aug. 8)
    Nagasaki A-Bomb (Aug. 9)
    V-J Day (Aug. 14)

    The strategically impaired,


    • #3
      This list is excellent for designers to look at so they may place units, make techs available and in general, allow for things to flow historically. Well done!

      I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
      [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited September 06, 2000).]


      • #4
        Just thought I'd revive this topic.. for anyone that wants to use it.

        The strategically impaired,
        The strategically impaired,


        • #5
          *Mao's head expands*

          I'm better strategist than Hitler! nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #6
            Huh? How so, Mao?

            The strategically impaired,
            The strategically impaired,


            • #7
              Every 3 month old topic deserves a *bump*.

              So many good strategies wasting away in the archives here...

              The strategically impaired,
              The strategically impaired,


              • #8
                Cal, people need to send me some here!
                Please Visit:

                And contribute if you can!


                • #9
                  I've developed a new WWii scenario for anyone who's interested. "Arsenal of Democracy". Meant to be played only as USA (thus the title). Designed to play very close to the historical record--V1 rockets won't conquer Great Britain, Murmansk convoys are the only way to get the Russian counterattack going, and Japanese carrier groups are the most dangerous unit in the game. Capturing key geographical areas has approximate historical effect--e.g. capturing East Indies oil fields gives Japan Oil Shortage tech, making her advanced air and sea units obsolete. If anyone's interested, email me at


                  • #10
                    That'd be interesting... with the exception of Second Front, and Up the Deadly Boot (and 2194 Days of War too, I guess) no other WWII scenario has been made with the intention of playing through the American side of the war.
                    The strategically impaired,


                    • #11
                      Here's the start of a *very* detailed timeline I have that I decided to post here, for the WWII scenario designer that has to include every detail possible but is too lazy to go to the library or search too long on the internet.


                      Sept. 1: Germans invade Poland in first Nazi blitzkrieg.
                      Sept. 3: Britain and France declare war on Germany.
                      Sept. 17: The Soviet Union invades Poland from the east.
                      Nov. 30: Soviet Armed Forces invade Finland and bomb Helsinki.


                      March 12: Peace treaty is signed in Moscow between the Soviet Union and Finland, ceding territory to Russia.
                      April 9: Germans invade Denmark and Norway. Denmark does not resist, but Norway fights.
                      May 10: Germans invade the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister after the resignation of Neville Chamberlain.
                      May 14: Germans cross the French border. The Netherlands capitulate.
                      May 28: Belgium surrenders, by order of King Leopold III.
                      May 26 to June 4: About 340,000 Allied troops are evacuated across the English Channel through Dunkirk.
                      June 10: Italy declares war on England and France.
                      June 14: The German army takes Paris, which was undefended to prevent its destruction.
                      June 16: Marshal Henri Philippe Petain becomes Premier of France after Paul Reynaud resigns.
                      June 22: France and Germany sign an armistice at Compiegne, the terms are decided by the triumphant Nazis.
                      July 10: The first large-scale German attack on Britain is launched, marking the beginning of the Battle of Britain.
                      Sept. 7: London suffers its first air blitz.
                      Sept. 27: Japan joins the Axis, forming the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis in the Tripartite Pact for mutual defense (if any country in the pact is attacked, the other two countries will declare war on the attacker).
                      Dec. 15: British drive the Italian Army out of Egypt.

                      And those two years were the ones where not much happened... more to come soon.

                      The strategically impaired,
                      [This message has been edited by Cal (edited February 03, 2001).]
                      [This message has been edited by Cal (edited February 03, 2001).]
                      The strategically impaired,


                      • #12
                        While I love the historical scenarios to be accurate, I almost invariably try to pick the losers, and make them win, but within my own "warped" logic.

                        For example, I'm currently playing through a Pacific campaign, and while I technically know that all I have to do is hold off the Americans until the scenario's 1947 end-date, I'm playing based on the assumption that Imperial Japan would have to make a lasting peace, so I will not be taking Hawaii or Australia, for the USA would never make peace with a Japan occupying a "white" country. Rather it's a war to throw off the european imperial yoke (and replace it with my much more comfortable Japanese yoke) in Indonesia and India, and a "peace-making" mission in China. And despite the fact that they hadn't done anything to me, when 1943 came, I went after the Russian's, for if Germany falls (or too quickly, anyway) so will Japan.

                        So I do try the "better than the real generals" but usually by way of trying what they hadn't. That's the problem with too narrow a scenario. I tried an Afrika Korps one recently that basically forced you to follow in Rommel's tank treads, with no real chance for grand strategy, and strategy is why I play civ. There are much better tactical simulators out there than Civ II.

                        So a scenario about the entire Pacific war I love, but one about the battle of Midway I'd pass on.

                        just my $.02

