ABUJA - Nigerian president, Olusegun Obasanjo, was assassinated last week by an unknown criminal, who has not yet been caught. The government, which would originally go through to its lower candidate, became chaos when the People's Nigerian Party (PNP) insisted on taking office in Abuja, Nigeria. On a normal and regular basis, Nigeria would have been going through normal replacement elections. However, the People's Nigerian Party, who have been popular with wealthy Nigerians, received the vote of nearly all Nigerian people in a massive campaign that lasted two months. The PNP, who had been raising a secret army of around 200,000 troops under commission from the previous government who were also secretly working with the PNP. This army of 200,000 troops makes the Nigerian Army a strong 300,000 troops, over the past five years in intense secret training. Tons of armor and arms came to the Nigerians from unknown nations, totalling about 2,000 T-72 to T-90 main battle tanks, which may have been supplied to the PNP over a decade by renegade arms dealers! This massive plot, now uncovered, has rocked Nigeria. The people are unstopable and Nigeria contains the largest amount of nationalism in the world right now, specialists say. General Mahum Jekopnol, the one who has taken lead, is actually being responsible with the government by establishing a cabinet and small groups of individuals for decisisons. Recruits for the army have come to 25,000 in the past few months. The slogan of the PNP and now all Nigerian people is, "Unite the peoples of our like!"
The invasions of Niger, Benin, Cameroon, and Chad have all taken place, with General Jekopnol in a massive tactical advantages, and the Nigerians having specialized secret troops up to shock troops called the Nigerian SF, or the Nigerian Shock Force. Paratroops and even marines are seen in the Nigerian government, and nations are very shocked to see that the Nigerian government has been in conspiracy for over a decade.
The invasions of Niger, Benin, Cameroon, and Chad have all taken place, with General Jekopnol in a massive tactical advantages, and the Nigerians having specialized secret troops up to shock troops called the Nigerian SF, or the Nigerian Shock Force. Paratroops and even marines are seen in the Nigerian government, and nations are very shocked to see that the Nigerian government has been in conspiracy for over a decade.