Dirk Weber
Weseler Str. 145
47169 Duisburg
The Ghost Technology in Civ2
Best wishes
Dirk 'Bakcm' Weber
'CiC' = Conflicts in Civilization
Weseler Str. 145
47169 Duisburg
The Ghost Technology in Civ2
With this file I TRY to explain you,
how to allocate a technologie (and on this way also units) to a single
civilization. As an example: Greece Fire (only for Greek civilization).
- Create a scenario, first (there is no other way)
- Rename one technologie (maybe 'def.user technology') to Greece fire. This Technology should be reached from nil (nil = from the beginning). The rest could be as you want. Then -> save. Before this you can also allocate units to this technology.
- Load your scenario, go in the cheat menu, allocate this technology to those civilizations you want it for, then save the scenario.
- Step again in the rules file. Replace 'nil' (see above) with 'no'. Then save again .
- ... finished.
happens now:
The technology is not found anymore in your scenario. Not seen in the pedia, no way to exchange with other
civilizations - but, all civilizations (you allocate the technology to) are able to build the units of this technology level. Well, this is an 'illegal' way but the only without 'CiC' - and it works.
Another way is to make seperated technology 'trees'. BUT, now the civilizations are able to exchange this technologies. So you must forbid them to talk to each other. And this can only be done with 'CiC' 's Events language (negotiation trigger) - the way in most of the 'CiC' scenarios. Warning: Those civilizations you have forbidden to talk to each other are not able to make peace or to break an alliance (see the CivilWar scenario on the 'CiC' CD. This could collide with your ideas!
The technology is not found anymore in your scenario. Not seen in the pedia, no way to exchange with other
civilizations - but, all civilizations (you allocate the technology to) are able to build the units of this technology level. Well, this is an 'illegal' way but the only without 'CiC' - and it works.
Another way is to make seperated technology 'trees'. BUT, now the civilizations are able to exchange this technologies. So you must forbid them to talk to each other. And this can only be done with 'CiC' 's Events language (negotiation trigger) - the way in most of the 'CiC' scenarios. Warning: Those civilizations you have forbidden to talk to each other are not able to make peace or to break an alliance (see the CivilWar scenario on the 'CiC' CD. This could collide with your ideas!
Best wishes
Dirk 'Bakcm' Weber
'CiC' = Conflicts in Civilization