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A Recipe for Invasion in Civ2

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  • A Recipe for Invasion in Civ2

    A Recipe for Invasion in Civilization 2

    This strategy also has a MUCH better chance of sucess if the enemy has had a chance to conecct all its cities with railroads. Actually I can't really see this working unless they do.

    • Lots and lots of money. Depending on how many cities you want to invade and how big they are, you might need between 10,000 and 30,000. This may seem a lot for the person who plays on whimpy goverments like republic but if you get Fudamentalism as fast as you can and make marketplaces and banks and maybe even stock exchanges money should not seem like too much.
    • 2 or 3 transports
    • As many spies as there are cities (not counting the capital)
    • Some good attack units that have 2+ moves

    Set tax rate on "high" for 5-10 turns. Rotate if needed. Caution: Excessive spending could result in a disaster. Sprinkle a light layer of ships around the targeted island if they have a large navy. Load the attack units in one boat and the spies in the other. Travel to enemy stronghold.

    Unload the spies and spread throughout, inciting revolts. If Gureilla Warfare has been discovered, unload the attacking units and try to destroy the partisans. If this goal is unreachable, try only attacking ones that are in the way to the capital. Remember, this is all still one turn.

    If the capital is the last city of theirs (it has to be the last one or you may want to take a more conservative approach), unfortify all your units that you captured through inciting revolts and ATTACK THE CAPITAL! Attack with the units that have the biggest attack rating first. Then procced with the weaker units. And there you are. A cheap but surefire way to wipe an annoying civilization off the face of the planet all in a single turn. Don't do this when the multiplayer gold edition comes out unless you don't want any friends.

    This works well integrated with my overall strategy guide which I may release in a month or two. If you have any comments, e-mail me at cc2 at

    Ryan Ross, © 1998 . Do not distribute without EVERYTHING intact and complete (inluding this).

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    Last edited by Martin Gühmann; February 11, 2011, 20:19.
    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"