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MGE vs ToT

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  • MGE vs ToT

    Is MGE obsolete to ToT, or am I not technologically behind everyone else by continuing to use MGE?

    I know this is a question for the general CivII Forum, but nobody responded to the thread I created there.
    Ravlon's Facebook fan page

  • #2
    ToT is technically superior to MGE in most aspects. It is certainly a better platform for making single player games. Most multiplayer games are for MGE but recently several ToT games have been trialled and have proved to be very successful so there is no reason for designers not to use ToT for those type of scenarios too. I'm sure if you made a good MGE scenario people would play it though!

    There are lots of people who just prefer the feel of MGE but really there aren't too many annoyances in ToT compared with all the improvements. When you are engrosed in a good scenario you tend to forget these minor niggles altogether (IE slow piece slide, non flashing units etc...).

    MGE is obsolescent but not obsolete IMHO


    • #3
      Ok. Nice!
      Ravlon's Facebook fan page


      • #4
        Not sure, but I think ToT has more units slots?
        That alone is large improvement.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ravlon the Magnificent View Post
          Is MGE obsolete to ToT...

          Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
          IE slow piece slide...
          What is that?
          Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


          • #6
            I may change to ToT. Would it be worth $20 off of Amazon?
            Ravlon's Facebook fan page


            • #7
              MGE is as obsolete as the vacuum tube.
              Please put Asher on your ignore list.
              Please do not quote Asher.
              He will go away if we ignore him.


              • #8
                I think I bought mine for 5.99 somewhere on the web...

                MGE has in-game unit editor and easier scenario making tools..

                ToT can stack units and only the defending unit is destroy... MGE all are destroyed..
                ToT has better graphics and can add more units, a lot more units...

                Overall I would say ToT has distinct advantages, but MGE got some charm left.


                • #9

                  The units move very slowly in ToT compared with MGE. You can turn on the fast piece slide option (which is very useful when moving lots of units long distance) and the zip around at supersonic speed. In MGE they just ambled along at a nice pace. The AI turns in a scenario like Red Front must take almost twice as long in ToT, but if you set it to fast piece slide you wouldn't be able to keep up with what's going on. As I said, it is only a minor niggle. I achnowledge ToT is the superior game engine, but I can't stop loving MGE too Anyway, we have been through this debate many times and really both versions are obsolete. Were a little like the car enthusiasts that insist of fixing up classic cars when it would be cheaper and easier to go out and buy a modern one!
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by torbk View Post
                    MGE has in-game unit editor and easier scenario making tools..
                    It's buggy. You're better off using text and graphics editors.

                    Originally posted by torbk View Post
                    ToT can stack units and only the defending unit is destroy...
                    Not true. You may have played on a map populated with airbases or fortresses courtesy of CivStack.

                    Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
                    The AI turns in a scenario like Red Front must take almost twice as long in ToT, but if you set it to fast piece slide you wouldn't be able to keep up with what's going on.
                    I play everything with fast piece slide enabled. Never played MGE.
                    Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


                    • #11
                      One last thing. If I want to start an MGE game after I install ToT, is it possible to temporarily "turn it off?" Same with modpacks. Can I "turn those off" if I want to?
                      Ravlon's Facebook fan page


                      • #12
                        MGE an TOT are installed seperately.
                        So you have no reason to "turn it off".

                        There is one little oddity though, both TOT and the old Civ use civ2.exe, so say you load a scenario with MGE then leter use TOT and try to start a scenario, TOT will open whatever map MGE had open when you used it last.

                        If you change the MGE civ.exe name to somehting else(have not tried this with TOT) this behaviour stops. I only found this annoyuing because I play lots of PBEM's so I wa always navigating my harddrive back and forth between the two, until I realized this.


                        • #13
                          Alright. That's good.

                          What about the modpacks, though?
                          Ravlon's Facebook fan page


                          • #14
                            I dunno, never used any of those that I can recall.
                            Don't they work just like scenarios?

                            Could you perhaps post a link to some of those mod packs yuo are referring to?


                            • #15
                              I don't know. As you may have seen, I am new. If there is a difference between mods and modpacks, I don't know about it. Is a list of modpacks?
                              Ravlon's Facebook fan page

