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Stack Attack?

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  • Stack Attack?

    Not sure if I am about to embarrass myself totally here...!

    I was testing Ostfront, and attacking with a stack of three units,
    I held down CTRL - And they all attacked, one after the other!

    Basically, the units all assaulted in a massed attack, and even
    'tired' units get a free move when their movement should be gone!

    Has anyone else done this? I can surely say that in my years
    of CIV2 playing, I never knew this feature was there...!

  • #2
    After checking it wasn't April fools day I tried this out with both MGE and ToT and I'm afraid it didn't work for me. What type for unit were you using Curt? Were you attacking a city or units in the open? Had you been drinking or taking any drugs prior to this discovery?


    • #3
      Wtf ? I will try this out and report, would be cool if this works.



      It works for me in ToT!!! Had three units with different HP and MP attack a heavy fortified unit. Even the unit with no movement attacked with 0/3 MP left ( Was destroyed ). Kinda strange. Would be interesting if the unit with 0 MP has any attack value left but i doubt it. This is a discovery which requires some further testing !

      After Report:
      The Unit with 0 MP has no Attack value, it gets beaten to death. And after i did this trick i could not create units with the cheat menu any more except settlers ( Shift F1 ).
      Last edited by Hans99; February 20, 2010, 09:12.


      • #4
        hahaha, I'll have to check this out


        • #5
          Bug, or feature? Worth looking into, indeed.

          Having a way to order a stack to attack (though not the already moved units, ideally, because that will just destroy them it seems!) would be extraordinarily useful at times.


          • #6
            Under what possible circumstances would anybody want to turn over command of a stack of units to the AI?

            Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

            Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
            Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


            • #7
              Well, speaking for myself, if I have (say) a dozen units lined up in a given square and I want them to attack a city, being able to have a simple command to tell them all to attack would be useful.

              Not necessary - but if the designers included that specifically ("Attack with all units in the selected square with movement points remaining"), I'd consider it worth the extra space on my harddrive the code for the command would take.

              I wouldn't want it to be "turn over unit control to the AI permamently/until deselected" - automated settlers are okay at best, and given what we know of the AI's military "tactics" it would do even worse - but you asked, so that's my answer.


              • #8
                Originally posted by AGRICOLA View Post
                Under what possible circumstances would anybody want to turn over command of a stack of units to the AI?
                Not sure if I would trust the AI either, to be honest...Except in a sure-fire
                win situation...But I tried it just there in my Eurasian War scenario, and it
                worked. The effect also works on the vanilla game. Not sure if this is an
                effect of my keyboard type or something else...I use the numeric keys
                to move my units, and I keep "NumLock" off...

                But if other people are finding it happens, let us know!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
                  After checking it wasn't April fools day I tried this out with both MGE and ToT and I'm afraid it didn't work for me. What type for unit were you using Curt? Were you attacking a city or units in the open? Had you been drinking or taking any drugs prior to this discovery?
                  Just tried it there again, and it works for sure...
                  I even cut down on the crack and meths this morning to try it!

                  Jokes aside, maybe it has something to do with various patched versions
                  of CIV2 ToT...I'm using the no-CD patch, and I wonder if that is why?



                  • #10
                    I could not reproduce this on FW, no patches.
                    Also known as Souron.


                    • #11
                      Doesn't work on MGE.
                      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                      It can only be achieved by understanding"

