This may not be new knowledge but it is to me:
I have just tested his theory with Rise of the Dictators using a recon regiment. When I name the folder "Rise of the Dictators II" I can investigate cities but when I change the folder name to "Rise of the Dictators I.I" I cannot. Very, very interesting! I wonder what other secrets Civ2 is still hiding :gruebel:
This would be useful in a scenario where you want diplomats to bribe units but not steal technology or incite revolts etc... It would be worth testing if this stops the AI from talking to the player too. Could save a lot of events space in some scenarios where you don't want communication!
Originally posted by Radyserb at Civ Webring
This would be useful in a scenario where you want diplomats to bribe units but not steal technology or incite revolts etc... It would be worth testing if this stops the AI from talking to the player too. Could save a lot of events space in some scenarios where you don't want communication!