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Terrain files.

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  • #16
    Does anyone knows how I can get the camo colours on a unit like the one I´ve posted below?
    Attached Files
    American War of Independence
    A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


    • #17
      Thank you for helping me out with this!
      Attached Files


      • #18
        This should work now
        Attached Files
        American War of Independence
        A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


        • #19
          Originally posted by gvari7 View Post
          My file is saved as a bmp file, when I try to save it as a gif file it changes completely! I think this new paint that comes with Windows 7 is the culprit.
          It is. Windows 7 Paint automatically replaces indexed palettes with an 8-bit safety palette. There doesn't seem to be any way around this save using a better graphics editor. I'd suggest GIMP: it's free and can handle palettes.

          Originally posted by civ2units View Post
          Please send me the terrain2.gif. I think that this file use another colour palette.
          No, your terrain1 palette is screwed, too (the last 48 colours to be exact). What's more, the file header says it's a version 89a GIF (should be 87a, non-interlaced for Civ2), so I'm surprised the game even loads it.

          I'll fix the file, but you're better off starting over again (with another editor this time), because once that safety palette is loaded, you lose image quality. The Terrain2 file in post #17 has the correct palette, but I'll convert it to GIF. GIFs are compressed. It does, however, have a few magenta 'holes' in the space terrain. Also a copy-and-paste error with the moons in the hills slot. Both fixed.

          Something else: you've got green coastal dithering - in space. Its colour is determined by the tile in terrain1 to the immediate right of the Blank tile. I changed it to black. Actually, the space terrain was created to be used with no dithering at all, and, since you have some 'spillage', I removed it altogether (bottom left corner).

          Originally posted by civ2units View Post
          This should work now
          It won't: same problem as your first file.
          Attached Files
          Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


          • #20
            Hm, interesting. I never had any problems with the colour palette. My Civ2 MGE always load them and showed all graphics correct in game. So I thought, my palette would help gvari7.

            Unfortunatelly I don´t have installed Civ2 MGE on my computer at the moment, so I didn´t checked them. Since I use ToT instead of MGE I didn´t use the colour palette anymore
            American War of Independence
            A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


            • #21
              Originally posted by civ2units View Post
              Since I use ToT instead of MGE I didn´t use the colour palette anymore
              You're not completely immune with ToT. Title.gif still uses this format.
              Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


              • #22
                Thanks for the help Catfish!

                I have also noticed another odd thing.

                After running the scenario with the new terrain files I noticed there was a new file in the folder.

                Never seen anything like this before, must be the program making a new file for some reason. I made sure there was only the new .gif files in the folder before running the game, so this is defineately something the game creates.

                Probably time to get something other than paint to work with.
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  I suspect that you tried to edit the terrain graphics using the in-game Terrain Editor. That'll create a BMP file from the GIF. That file was generated from the messed up terrain1.gif that Civ2units posted earlier. In his file, magenta and green have the wrong palette indices and they appear black in the game. The BMP file produced by the game reflects this. Delete the file. Avoid the in-game editors. Text editors for text files, graphics editors for graphics files.
                  Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


                  • #24
                    I did not use the in game editor.
                    This is a file Civ2 created from the file you uploaded.

                    I did not edit it in any way.


                    • #25
                      Actually, it seems I somehow messed this up.
                      I double checked to make sure I had deleted the old terrain files but somehow this one slipped past.

                      Everything is working as it should now!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by gvari7 View Post
                        I did not use the in game editor.
                        This is a file Civ2 created from the file you uploaded.
                        Not possible. It's based on Civ2units' file: pixels have the same palette indices. I also changed the two dithering tiles. Swap out the palette for his and you'll be able to see that the dithering in the bottom left corner is still there. Now I'm almost certain that you opened up the Terrain Editor at some point with Civ2units' file loaded, clicked on Edit Misc, then the Irrigation, Farmland, Mining and Resource buttons, and OKed each without making changes.

                        Originally posted by gvari7 View Post
                        Everything is working as it should now!
                        Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario

