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Terrain files.

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  • Terrain files.

    So, I´m editing terrain, and end up with these gray triangles all over the map.
    Why is this?

  • #2
    Take your pick.
    Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


    • #3


      • #4
        Have a different problem now, the terrain is all strangely colored.
        I have made sure it is saved in the correct format, 256 color bitmap.

        Could it perhaps be that the Windows 7 paint is messing the file up?
        Last edited by gvari7; April 20, 2010, 11:38.


        • #5
          No wonder no one has responded yet, I forgot to attach the file!
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I'm no graphics expert BUT maybe you should just copy terrain1.bmp and terrain2.bmp from a folder where you kniw it works, and then paste in the graphics you want to change again. That have helped me several times. I even have a folder with the standard graphics just so I can copy those workable files to paste in changes
            "Peace cannot be kept by force.
            It can only be achieved by understanding"


            • #7
              Thanks for the reply!

              That is exactly what I did, I chose the cleanest looking terrain file I could find, and pasted what I had made into it.

              Did not help.

              Barthi told me something about "mouse" has to be black, I changed the mouse field to black but still it did not help.


              • #8
                I wish some of the experts could help you..
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • #9
                  You need the correct 256 colour palette for the civ2 units- terrain- cities.gif. I´ve used always Corel Photopaint when changing the gifs for civ2.

                  You can get the correct palette in Photopaint if you opens the terrain.gif and then going to Picture => Colour Table. You will see the colour table in a new window. Now only save the colour table and you can use it.

                  To replace the colour table in you terrain.gif you go to picture => colour mode => palette (8 bit). Go to the "open" button beside palette and choose the Civ2 palette which you saved just before.

                  After this, save your terrain.gif as a gif file and play civ2. Everything should work now.

                  I hope this helps you. If something isn´t clear or you don´t really understand my bad english, please let me know
                  American War of Independence
                  A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                  • #10
                    If you are using Photopaint, I can send you the correct colour palette
                    American War of Independence
                    A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                    • #11
                      Or send me the terrain.gif and I will replace the colour palette
                      American War of Independence
                      A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                      • #12
                        My file is saved as a bmp file, when I try to save it as a gif file it changes completely! I think this new paint that comes with Windows 7 is the culprit.

                        Paint does not offer picking a palette, it seems to me.

                        Also, I wanted to have the unexplored areas white, in contrast to the blackness of space, I do not know if this is also posing some difficulties for the game.

                        Could you perhaps fix this for me?
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          I´ve replaced the colour palettes. It should work now
                          Attached Files
                          American War of Independence
                          A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the help!
                            But for whatever reason this is still broken.
                            It looks to me as if the file is correct, i can see nothing that would cause all these black/white rectangles.

                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Please send me the terrain2.gif. I think that this file use another colour palette.
                              American War of Independence
                              A Divided Nation - US Civilwar

