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Eurasian Wars Final Release!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MacGalleo View Post
    I finally choosed the German side.
    The map is very interesting, the graphics are, as usual, very good. The possibility to play with the differents civs, multi events and rules files, is a very good idea. Congratulations for all this work.
    Cheers, dude - It was a pleasure to make this scenario for the SL players!

    Originally posted by MacGalleo View Post
    - There's the "Radar Station" improvement which protects everything within three spaces of the city from nuclear attack but I don't see any nuclear unit.
    The Radar (SDI) should add another level to any existing AA (SAM) in a city, so it might be worth investing in...
    But a ground battery of AA combined with the Flak Tower will do the trick...Or a Coelian too!

    Originally posted by MacGalleo View Post
    - There's the "Gestapo HQ" imrovement which decrease unhappyness caused by troops away the city by 1. I'm not sure, but are there any unhappyness caused by troops under communism government?
    Really just a flavour thing due to the different names for improvements for the German civ.

    I might actually change this to be a '0 cost/upkeep' improvement or non-buildable under any non-Allied rule-sets...


    • #17
      You're right, Curt. We had the argument before, I just remembered. Sorry. The scenario looks awesome!
      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
      It can only be achieved by understanding"


      • #18
        Awesome I had a lot of fun with the old New Dicators one for MGE, even got some friends to play it MP :-). Maybe I can talk them into trying this one as well.

        P.S. My nick on here is pretty old--I'm Jacen_Fel on the civfanatics forum.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Arthedain View Post
          You're right, Curt. We had the argument before, I just remembered. Sorry. The scenario looks awesome!
          Hey! No worries, dude! No need to apologise...

          If CIV2 had more civs to play, the complex Balkan WW2 situation could be represented...


          • #20
            Originally posted by SJSNIPER06 View Post
            Awesome I had a lot of fun with the old New Dicators one for MGE, even got some friends to play it MP :-). Maybe I can talk them into trying this one as well.

            P.S. My nick on here is pretty old--I'm Jacen_Fel on the civfanatics forum.
            Hi there!

            Good to see you here - ANd hope you enjoy the new scenario!



            • #21
              Curt, the links to your files "appear broken".
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #22
                They should still work though, Tech...!

                Did you have any problems when clicking them?


                • #23
                  Yaay! Started a game as the allies, see if I can keep the japs out of Hong Kong, sweep North Africa, and push my way up from Athens towards Koningsberg before wiping out the Germans.

                  One question though: no airlift AND no railroads?


                  • #24
                    oops, ok, mybad. Advanced logistics is the key


                    • #25
                      Playing as the allies, what triggers the north african and italian invasions? I'm in may 1943 now and nothing has happened.


                      • #26
                        Hi, PietH!

                        As the allies, there are no events-driven Allied invasions - It is up to you to set your goals and a timetable for invasions...!

                        I suggest an assault on Axis Norway to begin with!



                        • #27
                          Are you sure? Dday did happen, be it in a very small way.

                          I LOVE the gameplay! I started with a sweep across northern africa. I held on to Athens to use a foothold for my planned strike north. But the Germans steamrolled the russians and took Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. But more importantly, they took Maikop and were heading for Baku. So I decided to step in and take advantage of the poor position of the Russians. I took over Maikop, Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad and cut off the germans from the russians. Then I advanced west ward. In western europe I went straight for Berlin via Hamburg. In the far east I managed to hang on to Singapore and Hong Kong, and kicked the japs out of the mainland pretty fast.

                          I really enjoy having to make the strategic decisions: identifying the key cities and taking control, encircling and cutting off large enemy pockets and destroying them. Also the choice in weapons is important, you need both attacking and defending tanks, and I'm using P51's, Mosquitos, Typhoons and bombers in great numbers. All of them have a specific quality that makes them a must have.

                          Once again, great gameplay!


                          • #28
                            If I don't want to fuddle with the batch file and other stuff.. how Do I go about manually setting up each scenario?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by curtsibling View Post
                              I suggest an assault on Axis Norway to begin with!

                              I'd suggest trying to take Amsterdam - using air and naval power to wipe out its garrison, then land an army in the city to establish a foothold in Europe. It's what I do.

                              I've decided to leave France be for now and advance into Germany (leaving Berlin for last, lest Stalin launch a preemptive strike against me.) It's funny to see Italian units attack you when you're in the Rhineland, but since they same type of thing happened in Ostfront...

                              On another note, it's nice to see my P-40 got used!
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by GhostOfDisco; April 17, 2009, 22:49.
                              The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
                              2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by PietH View Post
                                Are you sure? Dday did happen, be it in a very small way.

                                I LOVE the gameplay! I started with a sweep across northern africa. I held on to Athens to use a foothold for my planned strike north. But the Germans steamrolled the russians and took Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. But more importantly, they took Maikop and were heading for Baku. So I decided to step in and take advantage of the poor position of the Russians. I took over Maikop, Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad and cut off the germans from the russians. Then I advanced west ward. In western europe I went straight for Berlin via Hamburg. In the far east I managed to hang on to Singapore and Hong Kong, and kicked the japs out of the mainland pretty fast.

                                I really enjoy having to make the strategic decisions: identifying the key cities and taking control, encircling and cutting off large enemy pockets and destroying them. Also the choice in weapons is important, you need both attacking and defending tanks, and I'm using P51's, Mosquitos, Typhoons and bombers in great numbers. All of them have a specific quality that makes them a must have.

                                Once again, great gameplay!
                                Superb! Sounds like one hell of a campaign - !
                                Indeed I love the big sweeping attacks on whole fronts!

                                I forgot about D-Day, it is one that will always happen, but the Allied player
                                must build up forces for June 1944 and be ready...Usually things will have
                                followed a semi-historical path by that point - But only sometimes!

                                Glad you found all the Allied units useful...!


