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Putting a Civ 2 MGE scenario pack together...

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  • Putting a Civ 2 MGE scenario pack together...

    My fellow Civers,

    My Uncle, the very one who took me to London where I bought Civ I way back when, just bought a new computer. I'm in the process of moving over his files and he tells me he still plays Civ 2. Thing is he has never gone online to download ANY scenarios. Yeah, Really.

    So I'm taking it upon myself to get Civ 2 MGE working on his new Vista OS. I'll get ToT on there, but that's a future project. I've downloaded 11 scenarios from the SL wiki site so far that are pretty solid scenarios for him to get started on:

    Colonialism II
    Imperium Romanum
    Kingdoms of Steel
    La Belle Epoque
    Medium Aevum
    Red Front 1.4
    The Age of Imperialism
    The Korean War
    Beach Assault (Of course)
    Gold Gulch (Of course)

    I'm looking for more suggestions, specifically scenarios for single player, and without a huge learning curve, or a bunch of house rules that he'll have to remember. I would love to get my hands on a mint Kaiser and Dictator scenario zip, with sounds. I do have copies, but I've never been one to keep my files straight. I want him to start off fresh.

    So what do you suggest? and where can I get a copy?

  • #2
    Some suggestions:

    Star Trek: Dominion War
    Star Wars: Insurrection
    Favoured Flight's LotR trilogy
    How Few Remain
    Seize the Crown!
    The Battle for Algiers
    Pitt's War at Sea
    The River War

    If you're unfamiliar with any of them, let me know and I'll elaborate.
    STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


    • #3
      Excellent suggestions. I will hunt them down


      • #4
        I'd recommend rmsharpe's Malta! scenario and my own 2013: A Union Divided scen.
        The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
        2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


        • #5
          I would recommend any of Jamestout's new scenarios. For someone new to scenarios they are very easy to pick up and are not cluttered with abstract concepts or house rules so they should be more accessible to someone more familiar with the vanilla game. I would also recommend THE AGE OF CHARLEMAGNE, THE ITALIAN WARS and THE AGE OF CRUSADES by Exile for similar reasons. Carl Fritz's work too!

          HELLAS, BONAPARTE II or SEIZE THE CROWN by John Ellis were all scenarios I loved when I first started playing scenarios. There are so many quality scenarios out there, I wish I could wipe my memory and discover them over again!


          • #6
            Anything by the following:

            Carl Fritz (Empire, Brown man's burden, Justinian etc)
            John Ellis (Colonies, Bonaparte, Hellas, 100 YW etc)
            Harlan Thompson (Mongols)
            Curt (I'll check if I have a virgin copy of the last mge Dictator)
            Exile (Imp 1870, AoCrusades etc)
            Paul Cullivan (seeds of greatness, Odyssey etc)
            Allard Höfelt (River War is a must play!)
            Berndt Brosing (Imp Romanum, crusades, subwar)
            Mike Jeszenka's ww1 scenario 2nd Reich
            Stefan Hartel (Quest for Asia series, Rose war, Pharoa etc)
            Eivind's Norway scenario
            Some fella called Harry Tuttle
            Your Man's alt history US civil war scenario
            Alex and Nemo, of course (try Alex's Spartacus or Nemo's ACW for a change from ww2 stuff)
            Jesús Muñoz Fernández (Carolus Invictissimus)
            Mathias Köster (DAROE)
            The frog king (Fading Lights)
            Mike Daumen (Moscow TTR)

            Er, that's probably enough to be going on with. You should buy your uncle ToT and treat him to Tech and Boco meisterwerks....

