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  • #46
    Graphics for 30 years war scenario of Jesús Muñoz.
    Attached Files


    • #47
      vietnam units
      Attached Files


      • #48
        Absolutely delightful.

        Why are you updating eveyone's graphics except mine?

        I could have used your units in my The Rape of Nations
        Last edited by kobayashi; May 23, 2009, 13:41.
        This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


        • #49
          Excuse me Kobayashi, certainly it is something inexcusable... but of TRON I began the adjustment, but still(yet) units stay, but it can be a good item(game)... Certainly that you can use the units, because really they are not mine, at least to hundred for hundred, then I believe that it is a right his use, always public and free, and his improvement.
          Ado, and encouraging to which you continue doing new scenarios,
          Attached Files


          • #50
            There are very few Fairline's Arabic units to use in scenarios. Tanelorn has increased the quantity with a few magnificent mods, but for TOT. For my part I have botched mine and here I present that there was more the adjustment of some of Talelorn's mods for the entertaining scenario roses...
            But already not that might use more units... If someone encourages to put, to modify or refill what is absent or to improve what there exists that itputs to it...
            Attached Files


            • #51
              Hablando de otra cosa, estoy cansado de tanto jugar mi modificación de rusrev buscando errores en los cambios que fui añadiendo, de tal manera que cuando en una de las últimas los separatistas atacaron a los ingleses estuve a punto de tirar la toalla... con todo creo que el problema está solucionado, lo que junto a otros cambios, pueden que lo conviertan en más dificil, pero también para mí más interesante... si jugaste al escenario y ves algo que puedo añadir o mejorar o tú ya lo hiciste no dudes en comunicarmelo o mandar tus modificaciones porque en próximas semanas voy a mandar ya el definitivo... creo

              I am tired of so much to play my modification of rusrev looking for mistakes in the changes that I was adding, in such a way that when in one of the last ones the separatists attacked the english men I was on the verge of pass... with everything I believe that the problem is solved, what close to other changes, they can that they turn it in more difficult, but also for more interesting for me ... if you played to the scenenario and you see something that I can add or improve or you already made it me it do not hesitate to communicate or order your modifications because in the next weeks I am going to send already the definitive one...



              • #52
                Graphics for:
                "AFRIKA KORPS" by John Petroski
                "DESERT WAR" by Eivind IV
                "STAR WARS: INSURRECTION" by kobayashi
                Attached Files


                • #53
                  Expertly crafted mods as ever gapetit. I especially like the Star Wars units. I have some holidays this week so I should be able to start adding these mods to the SL Site. I have also done quite a bit of work on the Units compilations and hopefully the first one should be ready soon. Keep on modding
                  SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                  SL INFORMATION THREAD


                  • #54
                    I am going to order the graphs for other one of my favorite scenarios done by an author of the one that unjustly, up to today, had not ordered anything: Insurgent.
                    The scenenario is of the war of 1812 between England and USA, which it lengthens up to Napoleon's definitive defeat.
                    One does what can with the adjustments, but if you believe that there can remain better or more realistic some unit modified by you, do not hesitate to send it.
                    With this scenanrio I believe that few scenarios stay on the troubled history in North America for fw-mge... if the most important facts are absent: The revolution nortemerican, the Haitian revolution, the first and last Mexican revolution and the Cuban revolution. Of the first one there is a version in TOT that seems to be excellent, but the most drinkable sceneario in fw-mge seems to me that it might develop much more, but I do not have time now.
                    Of Haiti there is a scenario with good looks, but the units seem to be complicated, almost so much as the scenario that has resisted me during more time: that of Hidalgo and the Grito de Dolores: too difficult for my...
                    Of the last ones it is not absolutely at all! We cannot enjoy again the wanderings of Zapata, Villa or Fidel. Certainly it is very unjust with the history, and I wait in a future to collaborate in eliminating it, with two or more scenarios (el optimismo que no falte)...
                    Attached Files


                    • #55
                      Nice work Petit. I will build a page for this scenario and mod. I agree that we are missing a scenario scenario or two about the great Latin American revolutionaries. I really liked the Fidel and Che units you made. It would be great to see a scenario built around them one of these days!
                      SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                      SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                      SL INFORMATION THREAD


                      • #56
                        I am going to send new graphs for modern scenarios. I include the modifications that I added to the excellent mod realized by McMonkey to Nani's scenario with a very nice graphs, which seemed to me to be very entertained of playing and a discovery for my of being able to buy units.

                        Modern graphics for:
                        "Yon Kipur" by Alexandre Ostrowiecki (Nani)
                        "La Guerra" by Insurgent and Anzac
                        "Asia8" of ¿?

                        Attached Files


                        • #57
                          Good work Petit. I am still working on the massive unit compilations and adding mods to the S-League site. I tend to have loads of free time where I get loads of work done then get really busy and do nothing for a few weeks. Keep these mods coming, they will bet added to the S-League sooner or later
                          SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                          SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                          SL INFORMATION THREAD
                          CIV WEBRING MULTIPLAYER FORUM


                          • #58
                            He cogido el mapa cubano de Jesús Balsinde y Jesús Muñoz de su escenario Weyler para crear uno que pudiera servir para el futuro escenario de la revolución cubana... creo que así es suficientemente grande, aunque quizás podría hacerlo más grande en la zona de Sierra Maestra. Luego tengo la duda de si crear un espacio específico para el escenario, cual sería su comienzo, finalidad, unidades, etc. Si alguien ya tiene alguna idea agradecería su aporte...
                            Por otro lado envío la que creo que será mi versión definitiva de rusrev (para ahorrar espacio lo envio en 7zip, si alguien no puede usarlo puede conseguir gratuítamente el excelente programa IZARC de Ivan Zahariev
                   No incluyo los accesorios de sonidos y demás. Si alguien no los tiene los enviaré...
                            I have taken the Cuban map of Jesus Balsinde and Jesus Muñoz of their scenario Weyler to create one that could serve for the future scenario of the Cuban Revolution ... I believe that with the changes it is sufficiently big, though probably it might make it bigger in the zone of Sierra Maestra. Then I have the doubt of if creating a specific space for the scenario, which would be his beginning, purpose, units, etc. If someone already has some idea I would be grateful for your contribution... On the other hand I send the one that I believe that it will be my definitive version of rusrev (To save I spread sending in 7zip, if someone cannot use it it can obtain free the excellent program IZARC by Ivan Zahariev I do not include the sound accessories and others. If someone does not have them I will send them...
                            Attached Files


                            • #59
                              Como el evens de mge es más grande que el de fw, he creado algo específico para aprovechar su mayor tamaño a algo que llevaba un tiempo pensando sobre Konshtand y las alianzas, aunque todavía queda más espacio... Espero que os guste.

                              Since the evens of mge is bigger that of fw, I have created something specific to take advantage of his major size to something that was going a time thinking about Konshtand and the alliances, though still space stays more... I hope that you like.

                              Attached Files


                              • #60
                                Tengo que mandar una versión más de rusrev para mge : ¡los alemanes no atacaban a los provisionales! Ya está resuelto, pero aprovechando la cosa también he modificado algo el gráfico para konshtand. Espero esta vez si poner punto final a la modificación de este escenario.
                                Last version for rusrev mge.

                                Attached Files

