I am compiling a collection of unit graphics for a project... that has nothing to do with civ
(at least, not yet...)
The idea is to have a couple of different graphics for each culture, for each age, up to the medieval age (after that, one style begins to take over). As you can see from the attached pic, I'm spoilt for choice when it comes to European and Middle-Eastern graphics, some wonderful stuff by talented artists on this very forum. But after trawling through the threads on my poor low-speed connection, I can't find any early Asian or hypothetical late native-American units
I wonder if anyone can help me? I've not been lurking here for a while. Are there any new scenarios or work-in-progress I could steal graphics from? I want to keep everything in the same style. I've found some older graphics for Tang Chinese, but they now seem out of place with the rest of the units, since standards are improving all the time
Worst case scenario is some more clumsy cutting-and-pasting to make the missing units. I won't take any credit myself of course!
Thanks in advance for any help
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I've uploaded to photobucket here: (please click for big version!)

The idea is to have a couple of different graphics for each culture, for each age, up to the medieval age (after that, one style begins to take over). As you can see from the attached pic, I'm spoilt for choice when it comes to European and Middle-Eastern graphics, some wonderful stuff by talented artists on this very forum. But after trawling through the threads on my poor low-speed connection, I can't find any early Asian or hypothetical late native-American units

I wonder if anyone can help me? I've not been lurking here for a while. Are there any new scenarios or work-in-progress I could steal graphics from? I want to keep everything in the same style. I've found some older graphics for Tang Chinese, but they now seem out of place with the rest of the units, since standards are improving all the time

Worst case scenario is some more clumsy cutting-and-pasting to make the missing units. I won't take any credit myself of course!
Thanks in advance for any help

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