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Difficulty Differences

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  • Difficulty Differences

    Hi all, I'm new here.

    I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a comprehensive listing of the differences between the different civ2 difficulty levels.

    Basically, I've been looking around a while on the web and haven't found anything definitive. I know that there are differences in production levels, number of turns, what the AI will do, etc, but I am interesting in how *much* different they are on say king vs. deity. Right now I can pretty much reliably stomp the AI on king no problem, but I've struggled in many deity games with only one win to show for it.

    Knowing what I am up against in each difficulty level may help me to determine where I belong. It's no fun with no competition on King, and deity is too impossible for me without using every exploit short of the cheat menu! From what I've gleaned from my search, Emperor is only a stones throw from deity (similar AI production bonuses, bribery, space-race gang up), but I hope I am wrong. I need something in-between!

    Anyways, thanks for helping me out!

  • #2
    I'm afraid I don't have a list of the differences, but it may be worth searching the great library - there may be something in there.

    As far as playing at deity is concerned, the best advice I ever got (from one of the Scouse Gits I think) was:

    Unless there's a very good reason not to, build a van, and even then, build a van anyway.

    Fill me with the old familiar juice


    • #3
      Lol. I am finding that to be true.

      Anyways, it turns out my latest deity game is going pretty well. I headed straight for monotheism and had an early conquest of several large cities courtesy of veteran crusaders. Bagged me the Hanging Gardens and Lighthouse (great since I'm on an island chain) well before they expired.

      I'm slightly ahead in tech and have most of the "important" wonders, thanks to caravan spam of course.

      Unfortunately, I feel like the AI is catching up to me. I no longer have the gunpowder advantage, and even in Republic with PSD pumped cities and 80% science no lux (thanks to mikes and gardens) I am getting advances pretty slowly.

      I'm trying to speed up by sending out caravans everywhere, but since I'm an island nation, I have to get everything out by caravel. This is a pain because all the AI's decided to have huge coastal navies and half of my shipments don't get through. I guess I'll need to tech up to some tougher ships.


      • #4
        Are you using ship chains? With the chain in place, you should get the vans through even if you lose a ship from time to time.

        Since your in republic, you should be able to celebrate your SSC up to a decent size and then concentrate on incremental rushing vans for immediate delivery - assuming your SSC is on the coast.

        There are a few tricks to restoring commodity supply when it gets blocked - see the early landing guide for details.

        Fill me with the old familiar juice

