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Help! Can't research Ultrastring! Tried it all!

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  • Help! Can't research Ultrastring! Tried it all!

    Hi All,
    I can't seem to get the option of researching Ultrastring Theory. I've sent my spaceship to the new planet and all, but the only option I have to research are future technologies, and I'm over number 50 at that. Am I missing something? I think I've tried it all, but must be missing something. Is there some condition I haven't met yet? Help!



  • #2
    I had the same problem.

    Unfortunately, the only way forward, is to chuck in your current game, and download TOT patch v1.1 available on the front page of this site.
    Start a new game, and when you land at AC, you will be able to research, merrily away.

    Yoga Flame
    Yoga Flame


    • #3
      The other alternative is to go inside the rules.txt file in the Extended original directory and modify the ultrastring prereqs to something reasonable like Fusion Power and Plastics or something like that... If you don't know how... I guess I could explain... but it's kinda' long... I've heard people who've said that the patch doens't fix the ultrastring bug either. But if you wanna' salvage that game, either use the cheat menu, or modify the rules.txt. Those are your best options.

