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I need a playtester...

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  • I need a playtester... look at my latest scenario which I'm currently converting to TOT. Got the graphics and text files down except for the unit shields and events. I can check it for technical issues but my PC is too low spec for me to realistically playtest the final product in the TOT environment.

    Check out for a taster, then reply if you're interested. I'll probably need this weekend to finish the events, so this is with a view to having it tested next week for a release the following week.

    N.B. this is the equivalent of version 2.0 of the FW/MGE scenario, which I'm also preparing for release.

    edit: my spelling. Ouch!
    [This message has been edited by Andrew Livings (edited January 12, 2001).]
    "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."

  • #2
    This scenario looks like its got a lot of promise, i hope I can get it working on TOT,
    (i'm also emailing you back , this is just to bump up this thread.. oh did i say that)

    The sounds are good , I like the idea of replacing the diplomacy sounds with a 21st century feel, these work quite well ( I stuck them in the original TOT game ). Using National anthems are a good idea, brings back the great old days of civilisation 1.

    Admiral Pete


    • #3
      Yay! Interest.

      I'll refer you to for details about what's happening at the moment. I am in the process of rebuilding this from scratch but the FW product will be weeks and weeks away. Then TOT conversion and expansion.

      Thanks Pete.

      I got your last e-mail (which is how I knew to post here again), so I'll reply to you that way.
      "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."

