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Test Of Time-Colonization Problems

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  • Test Of Time-Colonization Problems

    After My ship lands on The Alien Planet, I seem to encounter the following problems.

    1:My Colonist Units all land within proximety of Alien units and/or cities. So Even if I build a city and Build a defense unit by the next turn, it is immediately conquered by Alien units. This doesn't make sense. They should land in an unoccupied area.

    2:My Spy unit isn't able to Establish an Embassy with The Aliens. The option doesn't come up when I Enter an alien city. Why is this??

    3:I am not able to research the Ulstring Theory, and thus I am unable to continue research towards Transcencence.

    This has only happened a few times. Other times, I have no problems doing this. Is there a patch to fix these problems. I tried visiting the Microprose site but it seems to be down.

    Also, when I play as the Aliens, it makes no sense that there ship lands back on their own planet. The colonists should land on earth.

    One more thing, I've never figured out how to make the "Demand A tribute For Our Patience" option come up during diplomatic encounters. What conditions must be in place? Obviously not an alliance, but Peace or Cease Fire?????


  • #2
    Oh oh oh! I got this one seeing as it's been only answered a MILLION times but hey, that's okay. We've all gone through this problem. So in any case...

    1. I have that problem too every now and then. Bugs the hell out of me but then, there's not much you can do. The landing sites are supposed to be random. If your initial cities are captured, then you pretty much have to wait until teleportation is researched, so that you can transport engineers to AC.

    2. You SHOULD be able to establish an embassy after the discovery of the Ultrastring theory which also allows negotiation with them but...

    3. The initial release of Test of Time had a bug where, upon landing on AC, the player failed to receive Ultrastring theory. A patch was released to fix this but I don't think it worked that well. The only fix I can see is to go into the rules.txt (if you know how, it's not hard to figure out...) and change the prereqs of Ultrastring theory to Fusion Power and either Stealth, Environmentalism or whatever. I usually do this AFTER landing on AC but whatever. Oh! The patch...

    4. Yeah, the aliens SHOULD land on earth but I think the landing of a spaceship onto AC was coded for all the races into the events.txt file. I don't think there's any way of specifying a different map for a specific race to land on. It's pretty much a limitation of the game.

    5. "Demand for tribute" will never show up if your government is either a Republic or a Democracy. By "demanding tribute" you're provoking war which your electorate, senate, parliament, whatever would not approve of. Democracies and republics should be trying to keep the peace anyways... but if it bugs you, hey, just change governments to something more appropriate like... communism, my personal favourite. But no one likes communism... *sigh*. Anyways...

    I hope that answers your questions.


    • #3
      I like communism! (in the game, I mean ...)

      Communism is THE government for the Sci Fi and Fantasy games.
      John 6:68

