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Hasbro games moved to Games.Com

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  • Hasbro games moved to Games.Com

    Hasbro games(including Civ2 and ToT) are no longer supported (available for play) on the Zone, but has ALL been moved to Games.Com.
    And what bad move this is.

    Even though game rooms support up to 7 players and some sort of rating system, there are no option for describing the setup for your advertised game, no seperate support for ToT, no options to check users latency and no options for adding your favourite opponents/friends to an 'online' list and no Z-Mail functions either. On top of this the site looks unprofessional and uninspiring - to say the least.

    All in all I would say that Hasbro shot a big hole in their own foot with this move - unless they seriously upgrade the functions and feel on Games.Com.

    Now I am not one for praising the way it worked on The Zone, but this has not been a step in the right direction.
    Nice one Hasbro!

    [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited January 21, 2001).]

  • #2
    This is just another nail those marketing "geniuses" at Hasbro have nailed in Microprose's coffin.

    Someone needs to write a book about it, Hasbro Interactive the Unarthorized Biography: How to **** Up a Fantastic Computer Game Company.

    You reading this John?


    • #3
      I tried to go there a couple of times. The first time I got a message that said my Netscape browser may not be good enough for them but I was welcome to download a MS browser for free. Then my browser froze. I tried again later, no message but my browser froze again. I get the sense I am unwanted there so I will not disappoint them with my presence. [Which smiley do you use for Kiss My A**]
      Here's a link.


      • #4
        Some good news.

        It appears that The Zone is still hosting regular Civ2 on this adress, but it is not officially supported anymore though.

        I don't see any reason why ToT players couldn't shout for some ToT players there, until something more suited comes along (and have a chat with some other Civ players )

        EDIT: Of course there is no telling just how long The Zone will continue offering game rooms for Civ2. All we can do is cross our fingers I guess.

        [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited January 23, 2001).]


        • #5
          > You reading this John?

          Unfortunately, yes...and I can't say I'm surprised.

          Hasbro always said (in-house, at least) that they intended to move their games to, when (I always said "if") it ever went live. Problem was, they didn't exactly assign their best minds to the job. I don't remember any significant work--unless you count blowing smoke and spending money as significant--being done on it for the first several months it was supposed to be in development. Add to that the fact that the staff at changed pretty frequently (as I recall), and you have a recipe for trouble.

          I don't think you can really blame any one person or group of people for the way things turn out at Hasbro Interactive. I'm honestly not sure what went wrong (though I have some cynical theories, of course), but I do know that most of the HI people I came into contact with were good intentioned and hard working folks--they just didn't know beans about sophisticated computer games (like Civ, not Frogger).

