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lost track: Civ II: ToT '96

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  • lost track: Civ II: ToT '96

    Please help me out of this one!

    Recently I wend to the local gamestore and saw in their catalogue they had Civilization II: Test of Time from the year 1996! And they ensured me it wasn't a typo? Than what is it? Some sort of expansion set for Civ II?

  • #2
    Test of Time (ToT) is not an expansion pack it is a standalone game. It is however based on the Civ2 game engine and is clearly recognisable as the same game just enhanced. There are up to 4 maps, more units, expanded events and new graphics.
    However it came out in mid-1999 so it must be a typo.


    • #3
      Okay, I wend back...

      Currently they are selling two versions of Test of Time. One from 1996 and one from 1999. Yeah, I know Test of Time (1999) is a standalone game, but the 1996 version does excist. So, I just ordered it...


      • #4
        I knew we shouldn't have released that time travel scenario!

        (I don't know what that store's selling, but I was working at MicroProse in '96, and we definitely did not release anything called "Test of Time" that year.)


        • #5
          Well, that's nice.

          But why they still sell ToT '99 for the normal price of 100 guilders (about 50 bucks) and ToT '96 for the price of 25 guilders (about 12/13 bucks)?

          By the way, nice option for Civ-games. Timetraveling. If that option comes, it'll become really hard and deep.

          Anyway, I ordered it...


          • #6
            Hope you enjoy the game. Too bad about the price.


            • #7

              Originally posted by John Possidente on 01-02-2001 09:36 AM
              I knew we shouldn't have released that time travel scenario!

              lol - pleased you did though!

              btw, What's Mick Uhl up to?


              • #8
                tOmme, wasn´t that the advertising for the original civ2 something like: " an empire to stand the test of time". Perhaps your ToT96 is only Civ2 with an another name?



                • #9
                  Last time I talked to him, Mick was still at the Hunt Valley studio, still plugging away at whatever project he was working on. (I can't tell you what it is/was; my old non-disclosure agreement still applies.) He seemed as happy as ever.


                  • #10
                    It's just Civ:2 plus 2 scenario packs. Nice, didn't have Civ:2 yet. now I have something good to play on my good old P100, instead of the PIII733
                    [This message has been edited by t0mme (edited January 09, 2001).]

