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Help! Can't get Plasma Chamber!

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  • Help! Can't get Plasma Chamber!

    I've been playing civ for years and years, but I just got Test of Time for xmas....decided to do something different and play the sci-fi game, but since I had no idea what any of the tech was and stuff I started on wussy level, er, Warlord - with only 2 other civs. Needless to say I beat them to Orbit and I have well over a hundred cities on Funestis, and quite a few in Orbit. I'm out of stuff to research (I'm research Xeno something 1 or 2) but I can't get Plasma Chamber. I thought going to orbit would trigger it or building a city or something but it just won't give it to me - I thought maybe the others had somehow beat me to it, but none of them have it either. (Oddly enough, there are SSTO pads in their territory so they could have beat me - even though they aren't supposed to be able to) OK, so I wrote way too much - Please! What triggers the Plasma Chamber advance?

  • #2
    Nevermind....I got it...after hours and hours of trying....but here's the bug report:

    The trigger is only when BUILD a new shuttle, I had the Morphon Attractor before I got shuttle and it turned my myriad skipjacks and yares into shuttles allowing me in space but not triggering it. All I had to do was build a new shuttle. Have a nice day! Maybe this will help some other poor soul.


    • #3
      Yep, that's the answer. Bribed, captured (via city capture), or upgraded shuttles don't matter, you still have to build one.
      Be sure to leave at least one (I prefer two so I can gain the tech from the Acrolectic Solenoid) alien/human civ (whichever one you aren't) unless you plan on winning by conquest since you will need a tech you can only get from them.
      The other event triggers are similar, you'll have to build the appropriate units for Naumachia, to trigger D-116 Capacitance, and for Nona to trigger the appearance of the Ha-Gibborim units. You'll then need to defeat each type of Ha-Gibborim unit to trigger the final 3 tech events.
      Also, everyone gets the transport pads at the same time, whether they have the requisite technology or not, so don't be alarmed that your opponents have SSTO pads.


