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What's firepower? Should be an important thing

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  • What's firepower? Should be an important thing

    A unit has 5 kinds of points.
    hit points

    and the only one i cant understand is firepower.

    What's that.

    It doesnt seem to be proportional to the offense of that unit or how expensive it's.

    A catapult has only 1 firepower.
    Some strage unit( in fantasy world ) has 8 firepower while its offense and def is only 4...


    Im new to here after searching >20 sites relevant to civ game but most of them are unavailable or moved or deleted... This is the best site I have seen.

    Asia player whose english is not that good and hope you all dont mind=)

  • #2
    The formula for battle is as follows:

    1) defending unit's defense number in ratio to attacking unit's offense number (such as phalanx's defense of 2 to elephant's attack of 4)

    (note, this is motified by fortifications, veteran status, and terrain)

    this gives a ratio, in the above case, 2-4 or 1-2 (simplified)

    This ratio is the chance of one unit to damage the other. In this example, there is a 1 in 3 (33%) chance of the phalanx damaging the elephant, and a 2 in 3 (66%) chance of the elephant damaging the phalanx.

    whichever unit damages the other, the amount of damage done is equal to the firepower. Firepower of 1 means one hit point the other unit loses when it is damaged.

    This means that a unit with high firepower does more damage (in hit points) to the other unit. A good example is a cruise missle, which will do a lot of damage when it DOES hit (but, with an attack of 16, isn't guarenteed to always hit and damage).

    That clear things up?

    Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


    • #3
      Thanks a lot.
      It really clears the things up=)

      I just know that...
      And I can never imagine that the offense and defense only influence the chances of successful damage they can do but not how strong they damage other in one succesful hit.

      Just realise how come the cruise missle acts so weird compared to others...

