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"Tunnels" in the Original game - Beta-testers required.

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  • #16
    For the "sea mines", could you make it an invisible barbarian unit with no movement points? They stay where they are, and are invisible until you run into it.

    I dunno, it was just a thought, in any case.


    "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
    -Homer Simpson

    "Ecky ecky ecky!"
    "It's just a flesh wound!"
    - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    Check out my 1602 A.D. site


    • #17
      I've almost finished your scenario by now Kestrel and everything went as planned. I do not have any further comments on the game. Cya I'll download your moon map later


      • #18

        can your subs retreat to deep water and carry their missiles with them? Or do the missiles now threaten the tunnels and other underground units?
        "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


        • #19
          Subs (with missiles on board) can retreat to deep water (deep ocean) out of reach of destroyers, cruisers, aircraft and surface launched cruise missiles. But it is also true that I haven't found a way to invalidate the use of missiles under the surface of the Earth / Sea without also banning subs with missiles on board from being able to submerge.

          The AI generally doesn't use cruise missiles against anything other than ships, so U. cities are probably safe from them, but nuclear missiles might be a problem (assuming that the AI knows where your underground cities are).

          If playing multiplayer you could institute a rule to not use missiles in this way (other than on the surface or in the stratosphere or in orbit).

