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Playing as the Aliens in Extended game

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  • #16

    Originally posted by SandMonkey on 07-22-2000 01:25 AM
    Jeez you play fast!!

    Managing three cities is a lot more straightforward than sixteen!


    Originally posted by SandMonkey on 07-22-2000 01:25 AM
    I'm still only at 1620. I'm researching Electronics, so I am light-years ahead of my other game. I got into Democracy in 1230 AD

    In my second game I was only a bit ahead of yourself - Democracy at 1160 and Electronics at 1615. Make sure you've got several trade routes in each city, and you'll get that Superhighways surge kicking in soon!


    Originally posted by SandMonkey on 07-22-2000 01:25 AM
    I did a little bit of math, and the way I figure it, I am about 80-90 turns in front of my first game. I'd say that's some improvement

    I'd say so too! Did you go the Science City path?


    • #17
      Well, here's my log. I finished 130 years/turns (they're the same in this case) ahead of my first game. As I said in an earlier post, I slacked off on writing when i founded all my cities. I finished with 21 cities.

      4000 BC – Onochi founded
      3500 BC – Alphabet
      3050 BC – Ceremonial Burial
      2400 BC – Bronze Working
      1850 BC – Delchi founded
      1750 BC – Code of Laws
      1300 BC – Monarchy
      1250 BC – New Government: Monarchy
      900 BC – Writing
      625 BC – Currency
      450 BC – Onochi: Colossus
      350 BC – Farichi founded
      325 BC – Trade
      175 BC – Masonry
      1 AD – Mysticism
      60 AD – Mathematics
      120 AD – Wentucket founded
      140 AD – Astronomy
      210 AD – Pottery
      280 AD – Literacy
      290 AD – Pii Tachi founded
      320 AD – Khuchucha founded
      340 AD – Onochi: Copernicus’ Observatory
      340 AD – Construction
      390 AD – Philosophy
      390 AD – University
      440 AD – Theory of Gravity
      470 AD – Delchi: Great Library
      500 AD - Republic
      510 AD – Seafaring (GL)
      560 AD – Banking
      630 AD – New Government: Republic
      640 AD – Iron Working (GL)
      670 AD – Warrior Code
      720 AD – Engineering (GL)
      720 AD – Bridge Building (GL)
      750 AD – Horseback Riding
      810 AD – Medicine
      840 AD – Map Making (GL)
      870 AD – The Wheel
      900 AD – Navigation (Hut)
      950 AD – Economics
      990 AD – Sanitation (GL)
      1010 AD – Polytheism
      1060 AD – Feudalism
      1120 AD – Chemistry
      1130 AD – Chivalry (GL)
      1170 AD – Invention
      1170 AD – Onochi: Shakespeare’s Theater
      1220 AD – Democracy
      1230 AD – New Government: Democracy
      1270 AD – Monotheism (GL)
      1280 AD – Gunpowder
      1290 AD – Delchi: Adam Smith’s Trading Company
      1330 AD – Explosives
      1370 AD – Physics (GL)
      1380 AD – Steam Engine
      1420 AD – Onochi: Isaac Newton’s College
      1430 AD – Railroad
      1480 AD – Atomic Theory
      1505 AD – Leadership
      1520 AD – Magnetism (GL)
      1530 AD – Industrialization
      1550 AD – Metallurgy
      1570 AD – Corporation
      1570 AD – Wentucket: Darwin’s Voyage
      1570 AD – Conscription (Darwin’s)
      1570 AD – Refining (Darwin’s)
      1590 AD – Combustion
      1615 AD – Electricity
      1635 AD – Electronics
      1650 AD – Steel
      1670 AD – Automobile
      1685 AD – Mass Production
      1705 AD – Nuclear Fission
      1720 AD – Nuclear Power
      1735 AD – Tactics
      1750 AD – Flight
      1756 AD – Machine Tools
      1764 AD – Radio
      1770 AD – Advanced Flight
      1778 AD – Rocketry
      1784 AD – Laser
      1790 AD – Miniaturization
      1796 AD – Computers
      1802 AD – Mobile Warfare
      1808 AD – Space Flight
      1814 AD – Plastics
      1820 AD – Khuchucha: Hoover Dam
      1822 AD – Superconductor
      1828 AD – Robotics
      1832 AD – Onochi: Apollo Program
      1834 AD – Stealth
      1842 AD – Recycling
      1850 AD – Genetic Engineering
      1853 AD – Refrigeration
      1857 AD – Environmentalism
      1860 AD – Combined Arms
      1865 AD – Spaceship launched!
      1878 AD – Spaceship landed!
      1878 AD – Future Tech 1
      1881 AD – Ultrastring Theory
      1884 AD – Quantum Transport
      1887 AD – Robotic Warfare
      1887 AD – Romans: Labor Union + Communism
      1889 AD – steal Fusion Power
      1890 AD – Cybernetics
      1893 AD – Bioplasmas
      1896 AD – Hyperentropics
      1900 AD – Reality Engineering
      1902 AD – Transcendence

      I got 10 techs from the Great Library, and as far as I can remember, only one from a hut. A major difference in this game was the fact that I had a positive cash flow for a long time. This kept me from dipping in the Capitalization pool. Also, from the time I launched my ship until two turns before the landing, I set it at 10% Science, and I was making 500 gold per turn. this helped when I had to rush build units and such later on. All in all it was a prettty easy win. I had about 90% of defenses in place by the time the ship landed, in preparation for an AI onslaught that never happened. I hope some more people other than Cam and myself will give this a try. It really helps get your game in focus without worrying about the AI, but also forces you to depend (almost) entirealy upon yourself.


      "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
      -Homer Simpson

      "Ecky ecky ecky!"
      "It's just a flesh wound!"
      - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

      Check out my 1602 A.D. site


      • #18

        Originally posted by Xin Yu on 07-18-2000 04:33 PM
        How about play OCC as alien in TOT .

        Well I did... with the unglorious Transcendence year of 2047. Normal OCC rules applied.

        Actually, having had a couple of extra attempts, 2047 wasn't as half as bad as I thought! I've got it down to 2039, but still sure that others can improve on this.

        [This message has been edited by Cam (edited July 23, 2000).]


        • #19
          Well, I used a SSC in both games. The difference was in this game I got into Republic probably close to 100 turns earlier than in my other game. This allowed me to get advance 2-3 turns faster for each one. That adds up quickly after a while

          small update: It's 1750 and I just got Flight. I have about 5 more advances until i can build Apollo.


          "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
          -Homer Simpson

          "Ecky ecky ecky!"
          "It's just a flesh wound!"
          - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

          Check out my 1602 A.D. site


          • #20
            Sorry to drag this back up, but last night I decided to try this one again. I'll post up a saved game, incase anyone wants to try it. I tried it once more on Prince, but was only able to improve my landing by 1 turn. I suppose the three week hiatus took its toll on my playing, not to mention I limited myself to 13 cties until the end when i went wafare happy on an AI civ.

            3750 BC – Alphabet
            3300 BC – Ceremonial Burial
            2700 BC – Bronze Working
            2050 BC – Code of Laws
            1400 BC – Monarchy
            1250 BC – New Government: Monarchy
            825 BC – Currency
            500 BC – Trade
            350 BC – Trega: Colossus
            225 BC – Writing
            25 BC – Literacy
            60 AD – Republic
            70 AD – New Government: Republic
            110 AD – Horseback Riding
            160 AD – Masonry
            210 AD – Mysticism
            260 AD – Philosophy
            260 AD – Mathematics
            310 AD – Oltreg: Great Library
            320 AD – Astronomy
            320 AD – Engineering (GL)
            320 AD – Map Making (GL)
            340 AD – Pottery (GL)
            340 AD – Construction (GL)
            410 AD – Bridge Building (GL)
            410 AD – Invention (GL)
            450 AD – Seafaring (GL)
            460 AD – The Wheel (GL)
            510 AD – University
            520 AD – Iron Working (GL)
            610 AD – Polytheism
            650 AD – Trega: Copernicus’ Observatory
            700 AD – Warrior Code
            760 AD – Navigation
            820 AD – Theory of Gravity
            860 AD – Gunpowder (GL)
            880 AD – Medicine
            940 AD – Feudalism
            1000 AD – Banking
            1060 AD – Democracy
            1070 AD – New Government: Democracy
            1100 AD – Trega: Isaac Newton’s College
            1120 AD – Chemistry
            1170 AD – Metallurgy
            1190 AD – Trega: Shakespeare’s Theater
            1210 AD – Chivalry
            1240 AD – Monotheism
            1280 AD – Conscription
            1320 AD – Economics
            1360 AD – Explosives
            1400 AD – Leadership
            1440 AD – Physics
            1480 AD – Sanitation
            1510 AD – Steam Engine
            1530 AD – Railroad
            1550 AD – Oltreg: Adam Smith’s Trading Company
            1550 AD – Atomic Theory
            1570 AD – Tactics
            1580 AD – Intreg: Michelangelo’s Chapel
            1590 AD – Industrialization
            1610 AD – The Corporation
            1625 AD – Magnetism
            1645 AD – Genetic Engineering
            1665 AD – Electricity
            1670 AD – Trega: Darwin’s Voyage
            1670 AD – Refining (DW)
            1670 AD – Electronics (DW)
            1690 AD – Steel
            1705 AD – Combustion
            1725 AD – Refrigeration
            1745 AD – Automobile
            1754 AD – Mass Production
            1762 AD – Nuclear Fission
            1762 AD – Intreg: Hoover Dam
            1766 AD – Nuclear Power
            1772 AD – Machine Tools
            1778 AD – Miniaturization
            1784 AD – Computers
            1790 AD – Flight
            1798 AD – Radio
            1806 AD – Advanced Flight
            1812 AD – The Laser
            1818 AD – Rocketry
            1826 AD – Space Flight
            1834 AD – Plastics
            1840 AD – Intreg: Apollo Program
            1840 AD – Amphibious Warfare
            1848 AD – Superconductor
            1853 AD – Mobile Warfare
            1861 AD – Spaceship Launched!
            1864 AD – Robotics
            1867 AD – Stealth
            1874 AD – Spaceship Landed!
            1876 AD – Recycling
            1879 AD – Ultrastring Theory
            1882 AD – Quantum Transport
            1885 AD – Robotic Warfare
            1888 AD – Cybernetics
            1889 AD – Steal Fusion Power
            1891 AD – Telka Sumara
            1893 AD – Bioplasmas
            1895 AD – Hyperentropics
            1898 AD – Reality Engineering
            1901 AD - Transcendence

            10 techs from Great Library, 1 from Philosophy, and 2 from Darwin's Voyage. I onlyt actually made contact with one AI civ, the Russians, and I conquered about 5 or 6 of their cities. It wasn't necesary to, but I felt like it

            If anyone wants to try it out, you can download it from here. Again, it's on prince level, which I think is a happy median to start at. Cam obviously had no problem winning here, and it's probably too easy for experienced players.


            • #21
              Yeah, I'm a loser. My girlfriend has camp and I don't start football camp until Monday, so I have nothing to do but play ToT I gave this ONE MORE shot on Prince, and needless to say I was shocked with my outcome. It wasn't a very good map by any means, not much by the way of grasses, but I made it work well to my advantage. I had a TON of techs every three turns in the middle of the game, and I managed to get into Democracy by 510 AD. I'll post the log.

              3250 BC – Alphabet
              2350 BC – Ceremonial Burial
              1750 BC – Bronze Working
              1400 BC – Code of Laws
              1100 BC – Monarchy
              1050 BC – New Government: Monarchy
              825 BC – Writing
              625 BC – Currency
              600 BC – Tilani: Colossus
              500 BC – Trade
              350 BC – Masonry
              300 BC – Construction (hut)
              250 BC – Mysticism
              150 BC – Mathematics
              50 BC – Astronomy
              30 AD – Literacy
              90 AD – Republic
              110 AD – New Government: Republic
              150 AD – Philosophy
              150 AD – University
              190 AD – Theory of Gravity
              240 AD – Banking
              250 AD – Tilani: Copernicus’ Observatory
              270 AD – Epo: Great Library
              280 AD – Horseback Riding
              310 AD – Medicine
              360 AD – The Wheel
              400 AD – Engineering
              440 AD – Invention
              440 AD – Pottery (GL)
              460 AD – Seafaring (GL)
              490 AD – Democracy
              490 AD – Iron Working (GL)
              510 AD – New Government: Democracy
              550 AD – Warrior Code
              590 AD – Economics
              630 AD – Bridge Building
              630 AD – Tilani: Isaac Newton’s College
              660 AD – Navigation
              670 AD – Polytheism (GL)
              700 AD – Feudalism
              730 AD – Chemistry
              760 AD – Chivalry
              780 AD – Gunpowder
              810 AD – Explosives
              840 AD – Physics
              870 AD – Epo: Adam Smith’s Trading Company
              870 AD – Steam Engine
              900 AD – Railroad
              930 AD – Sanitation
              960 AD – Metallurgy
              990 AD – Industrialization
              1010 AD – The Corporation
              1040 AD – Magnetism
              1060 AD – Leadership
              1060 AD – Map Making (GL)
              1070 AD – Epo: Darwin’s Voyage
              1070 AD – Electricity
              1070 AD – Refining
              1090 AD – Combustion
              1120 AD – Electronics
              1150 AD – Steel
              1180 AD – Automobile
              1210 AD – Mass Production
              1240 AD – Atomic Theory
              1250 AD – Nuclear Fission
              1290 AD – Nuclear Power
              1330 AD – Flight
              1370 AD – Conscription
              1410 AD – Radio
              1460 AD – Tactics
              1505 AD – Machine Tools
              1525 AD – Epo: Hoover Dam
              1525 AD – Advanced Flight
              1550 AD – Miniaturization
              1570 AD – Computers
              1590 AD – Laser
              1605 AD – Rocketry
              1625 AD – Space Flight
              1640 AD – Plastics
              1650 AD – Monotheism
              1665 AD – Superconductor
              1680 AD – Mobile Warfare
              1695 AD – Tilani: Apollo Program
              1695 AD – Robotics
              1740 AD – Stealth
              1756 AD – Spaceship launched!
              1760 AD – Recycling
              1769 AD – Refrigeration
              1775 AD – Combined Arms
              1775 AD – Spaceship Landed!
              1777 AD – Ultrastring Theory
              1779 AD – Quantum Transport
              1781 AD – Telka Sumara
              1782 AD – steal Fusion Power
              1783 AD – Robotic Warfare
              1785 AD – Genetic Engineering
              1787 AD – Cybernetics
              1790 AD – Bioplasmas
              1792 AD – Hyperentropics
              1794 AD – Reality Engineering
              1798 AD – Transcendence

              I was ecstatic about a pre-19th century landing. I was just hoping to get a pre-1900's landing, and to get it before the 1800's blew me away.

              I only got 5 techs from the Great library, 1 from Philosophy, 2 from Darwins, and 1 from a hut.

              This game was the earliest I have built the Colossus (600BC), and also by far the earliest I got into Democracy. I defeintely think it's time for me to move up to King level. If anyone wants this game (it doesn't seem like there's much interest in this, oh well), I'll post it by request.

