I recently converted the 1492days Scenario using CivConvertor 1.4
this is a great scenario, but when i use it it starts o.k but when the turn goes to the Germans, Windows tell me Civ did an illigel operation and would be tarminated. what can i do to resulve this. iand if i cant do anything, do anyone know another Scenario of WW2 that includes the whole world (Japan for example)?
I recently converted the 1492days Scenario using CivConvertor 1.4
this is a great scenario, but when i use it it starts o.k but when the turn goes to the Germans, Windows tell me Civ did an illigel operation and would be tarminated. what can i do to resulve this. iand if i cant do anything, do anyone know another Scenario of WW2 that includes the whole world (Japan for example)?