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CivConverter site?

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  • CivConverter site?

    Does anyone know if there is a CivConverter site anywhere on the net? It strikes me as silly that we are all converting the same scenarios, the top 5, over and over again. Is there a repository of already converted scenarios somewhere?

  • #2
    You might want to try the Cradle of Civilization. The URL is "" (no www)

    P.S. How do I get a hyperlink into one of these messages?
    *grumbles about work*


    • #3
      Shadowstrike -

      if you type out the whole url, then the UBB should take over. And if that doesn't work, simply type in

      [-url= the url of the site -] The words you want to appear [-/url-]

      To make sure that showed up, i had to put the "-" in, so take them out when you're typing

      In any case, you can make a link that will be like this


      "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
      -Homer Simpson

      "Ecky ecky ecky!"
      "It's just a flesh wound!"
      - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

      Check out my 1602 A.D. site
      [This message has been edited by SandMonkey (edited July 18, 2000).]


      • #4
        The Cradle of Civilization is willing to host converted scenarios. What we ask is:
        [*] Original author's permission to have the converted version hosted.[*] The scenario be thoughly playtested.[*] A few screen shots be provided for the introduction page.


        • #5

          No, sadly CivConverter has no website, and i haven't planned to make one in future.
          Cradle of Civ and Apolyton host the file and that's all;
          I don't think anyway that this is a problem, after all converting a scenario takes few seconds while (since ToT uses BMP) converted scenarios exceeds one mega, so i think it's fastest to download the civ2 scenario (smaller since it uses gifs) and convert the whole pack after.
          A thing very useful to do is a list of scenarios successfully converted with civconverter, in this way users avoid to download great scenarios only to discover after a while that Civconverter cannot handle them, but, like i said, i've no intention to make a such thing (obviously if someone want to put on this list is free to do so).
          "If it works, it's obsolete."
          -- Marshall McLuhan


          • #6
            Hey, i've got an idea, what about a thread here where all users posts scenarios successfully converted? it's not like a website but it's a starting point.
            "If it works, it's obsolete."
            -- Marshall McLuhan


            • #7
              Yahoo, my first DP!!!!!
              [This message has been edited by Angelo Scotto (edited July 27, 2000).]
              "If it works, it's obsolete."
              -- Marshall McLuhan

