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Gov't Question

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  • Gov't Question

    Hello, everyone. Work and other issues have all but halted work on my KW scen. I have been tinkering with (but not seriously, at the moment) with a Post-Cold War Europe scen, mostly for PBEM and focusing on diplomacy and trade, but having war as an option (I have ideas for that). I just need quick advice on what Civ2 gov't should represent each of the following scen gov't's:
    -Social Conservative
    -Liberal Centrist
    -Moderate Socialist
    -The strong-handed, quite corrupt, organized crime-infested semi-democracy of post-Soviet Russia
    If anyone has any idea how to arrange this, please post here.

  • #2
    Dictatorship => Fundamentalism
    Social Conservative => Communism
    Liberal Centrist => Republic
    Moderate Socialist => Democracy
    The Russian "Democracy" => Despotism

    These are the governments I would use.
    American War of Independence
    A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


    • #3
      -Social Conservative: Republic. Monarchy is a little too corrupt.
      -Liberal Centrist: Republic.
      -Moderate Socialist: Republic. Democracy is too effective.
      -Dictatorship: Monarchy. Fundementalism is too efficient.
      -The strong-handed, quite corrupt, organized crime-infested semi-democracy of post-Soviet Russia: Communism, with the "distance from palace" set high.

      Trying to represent politically "liberal" or "conservative" philosophies with different government types is stretching it in the modern era, in my opinion.


      • #4
        Yes, I guess you're right about the three 'democratic' gov't's being the same CivII gov't. I just thought it might be neat to actually mechanically represent changing sentiments.

        Now my next question: how would I represent nations joining (and potentially leaving) the EU and Russian sphere of infuence (assuming an EU, Russian, and a few intermediary players)? Are spies my only option?


        • #5
          It would be neat, but unless someone could make monarchy more like Republic (other than the military support/marital law vs. trade/peace favoring), there's no good way to measure the split without exagerating it.

          Well, what is the sphere of influence like, for purposes of Civ? That is, what would be "in the sphere" mean?

          I think, if cities being owned by a given civilization represents this, that's really about it. Unless someone can cook up something with ToT events (MPG is too limited eventwise for that to be a possibility).


          • #6
            Sorry to take so long getting back to you. I had planned seven civ's to begin with (in the very early '90's): Russia, the CIS (except Russia, of course), the Eastern Europeans (former Warsaw Pact countries), EU (initial members), NATO Allies (NATO countries like Britain, Norway, and Denamrk who didn't initially join the EU, as well as also covering US and Canadian forces in Europe), Neutrals (countries like Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Finland, the Baltic States, Albania, etc., who weren't initially part of the EU but weren't NATO countries either), and the Algerians and Libyans on the southern fringe of the map (Morocco and Tunisia are Neutrals). You're meant to play as either Russia or the EU and expand your 'sphere of influence,' which, yes, involves taking over cities, so I may well have to use spies as a significant unit. This project's on the backburner, mind, I'm just gathering ideas.


            • #7
              Hm. Assuming that you have to control cities...either conquest or spies. And conquest is presumably "as opposed to", so spies.

