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Marco Polo's Embassy

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  • Marco Polo's Embassy

    I'm playing Extended, with 7 civilisations including Aliens.
    I researched MPE with the specific purpose of having some intelligence on the alien Gazpichi. I now find that I have full embassies on the other 5 earth-based civs, but not even a mention of the Gazpichi.
    According to the Strategy Guide, MPE is supposed to give intelligence on ALL other civs.
    Can anybody enlighten us further on this ?

  • #2
    For the ExtendedOriginal game that strategy guide should probably read "All other CIVs EXCEPT the Aliens."

    The events for the ExtendedOriginal game explicitly prohibit this.

    Only when when Trigger Tech 63 (Ultrastring Theory) is discovered can the discovering tribe negotiate with the aliens (as talker).

    (Makes sense really, Its hard to chat with the Aliens if you haven't left the planet Earth yet, unless they come to you as in some scenario variants).


    • #3
      I wouldn't worry about it; the aliens start building military units right out of the gate, which wouldn't be so bad, except that they really don't need for the first five it is, they build so many units that proper city founding and development dosenn't happen.

      You have thirty cities, the AIs have twenty plus each, and you get to AC and find...ten.

      FWIW, if you really want to see what your ET neighbors are up to, save the game, hit their map on the cheat menu, and when you're happy, relaod the game...
      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


      • #4
        Thanks, Kestrel ! I had the feeling the exclusion was coded in somewhere. I agree that it's more realistic.

        All the more surprising then that the Guide says very explicitly on P.128 ; ".....all
        other civilisations, including the Aliens".


        • #5
          Checking the Demographics for my current game (where we Earth civs are centuries away from Space Flight), I see that my national income is 88$ per capita, while that for the Gazpichi is 138$.

          Obviously the trade organisations and economic think-tanks on Earth and Centaurus are busy exchanging trade statistics !

          Wonder how they calculated the exchange rate to arrive at the dollar figure !


          • #6
            What do you mean 'Trigger Tech 68'? Because on the ExtendedOriginal game I'm on, I'm on Future Tech 80-2 something...
            Das Wasser soll dein Spiegel sein
            Erst wenn es glatt ist, wirst du sehen
            Wieviel Märchen dir noch bleibt
            und um Erlösung wirst du flehen.

            The water shall be your mirror
            Only when it's smooth you will see
            How much fairy-tale is left for you
            And you will beg for deliverance.

            'Alter Mann', RAMMSTEIN.


            • #7
              "What do I mean by Trigger Tech" ?

              There is an event in the game for ExtendedOriginal which is "triggered" when a player gets a certain Technology.

              Look in the Rules.txt in the section @CIVILIZE where the Scientific Advances are defined

              Counting down from the top (starting at Zero) here are the numbers for the Techs

              Advanced Flight ; 0
              Alphabet ; 1
              Amphibious Warfare ; 2
              . and so on to :
              Plastics ; 62
              Ultrastring Theory ; 63
              Polytheism ; 64
              . and so on...

              So in order to get an event to trigger if someone gets, say, "Ultrastring Theory" you need an event like :

              blah blah blah etc.

              Hope that explains it.


              • #8
                Comrade Dan- To get Ultrastring theary you must build a spaceship and reach Centarus
                Test of Time
                Buy it now!


                • #9
                  A couple of days after this thread I played a game and managed to get the trigger techs and Ultrastring stuff...
                  Das Wasser soll dein Spiegel sein
                  Erst wenn es glatt ist, wirst du sehen
                  Wieviel Märchen dir noch bleibt
                  und um Erlösung wirst du flehen.

                  The water shall be your mirror
                  Only when it's smooth you will see
                  How much fairy-tale is left for you
                  And you will beg for deliverance.

                  'Alter Mann', RAMMSTEIN.

