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New users of TOT, need help

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  • New users of TOT, need help

    Hiya, I was wandering of any of you could give me some help. Can am of you give me some basic steps/instructions as to how to put a Civ 2 mod/scenario in to TOT. If any of you could please help me it would be of great help. Thanx a lot.
    I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.

  • #2
    hey, i've just been through this so maybe i can help.

    first, make sure you're running the patched version (1.1). you can get the patch here at apolyton in the downloads section. (or click here).

    then, you need to download a cool little utility called civ converter by Angelo Scotto. it's also in the download section -- here's a link to it. it runs in a DOS prompt, so it's a little tough to figure out at first, but the readme.txt pretty much explains everything.

    when you run the converter, it'll copy all of your old scenario files into a nested subdirectory called "converted" (so you won't lose the old version). then, just go into TOT, choose "Play a scenario" and navigate to that directory.

    the one thing to be on the lookout for (this is in the readme, too) is that you have to convert all of your .GIF files AND all of your .BMP (256 color) files to .BMP (24-bit) files. you can do this quite easily with the paintbrush program that comes with Windows.

    hope this helps!!
    [This message has been edited by abuzayd (edited June 13, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by abuzayd (edited June 13, 2000).]


    • #3
      I have a question about CivConverter. Does it work properly with Civ2 scenarios that are created in the map editor, then saved as a scenario via Civ2 cheat menu?

      When I tried this I found that the scenario worked in ToT but that there weren't ANY goody huts to be found anywhere. Is that what's intended or am I doing something wrong?



      • #4
        Thanx for the help, but just out of curiosity how does this coverter work, does TOT use a different file set up or diffeent files. Thanx for all the help.
        I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


        • #5
          i'm not entirely sure how Civ Converter works, but i think it changes the .TXT files so that they have the added info that TOT needs.


          • #6
            Thanx a lot, just one last question. does anyone know why microprose went to such trouble to make it harder to make scenarios. Thanx a lot
            I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


            • #7

              On your last question, it seems to be a two-edged-sword, and while I'm a big fan of ToT, it does have plenty of shortcomings!

              The extra events capabilities are mind-blowing! The flags and masks aspect alone gives scenario authors so much scope that it's hard to imagine the end of the possibilities - particularly as you see some experienced scenario authors turning Fantastic Worlds scenarios inside-out even today to great effect.

              My big complaints are (a.) you can't make cities immune to bribery other than trying to force the AI into democracy (try to get a purple or a white tribe to stick to Democracy!) despite giving units bribery immunity, and (b.) you're constrained by the range of 'official' Microprose unit sprites - how I wish they would support the game by releasing a free add-on library of extra units and terrains, or two, or three…!


              • #8
                Thanx a lot, just one last question. does anyone know why microprose went to such trouble to make it harder to make scenarios.

                It's the same as it has always been (unless you are one of the nuts who used FW's "editors"). The only reason I am not developing for it is that I hate BMPs.

                St. Leo
                Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                • #9
                  You CAN use homemade/downlaoded units.
                  you just have to:
                  a)turnof animations
                  b)delete/rename that units animation file(unit##.spr)
                  DO NOT delete/rename unit99.spr
                  Test of Time
                  Buy it now!


                  • #10
                    May I ask why you should not delete or rename the unit99.spr file?? To my knowledege it is the barbarian leader. I do not use any of the ToT units including this one in my mod I am working on. The mod probably will never get finished but thats besides the point.

                    This space for sale @ $9.95 per month. U.S. Dollars only.

