With the new events structures and language in Civ2 - Test-of-Time - How hard would it be to build an event structure to replicate "Mutually Assured Destruction".
That is, if a Civ has discovered Nuclear Fission and has built a Nuclear Missile and is then fired upon by an opposing power with Nuclear Weapons, then the attacker also has one or more cities struck in retaliation - or some such thing. This would better replicate the real-world situation where nuclear powers treat each other differently that non-nuclear powers. Maybe also why so far we haven't had a Nuclear interaction since 1945.
At the moment , because Civ 2 is turn based, the attacking nuclear power has the advantage because he/she can destroy muxh of his/her opponents cities and troops prior to the attackee being able to retaliate.
Is there a set of events that we could program , using the various flags, that could wreak a little vengeance on the attacker to replicate retaliatory strike capabilities ? The level of Auto-vengeance might even be scaled to the number of nuclear weapons the attackee has ?
Any Ideas ?
I suspect that the programming difficulty would be with "free-flowing games" rather than "Scenarios" where one couldn't predict the Citynames or Civs that might be involved in the confrontation.
While you're at it, what about an events structure that creates "Universal Outrage" (Along the lines of when a spy is caught trying to plant a nuclear device) for any Civ using Poison Gas or some other such beyond the pale weapon.
See also the Call to Power 2 "General" forum - Topic: Nukes
That is, if a Civ has discovered Nuclear Fission and has built a Nuclear Missile and is then fired upon by an opposing power with Nuclear Weapons, then the attacker also has one or more cities struck in retaliation - or some such thing. This would better replicate the real-world situation where nuclear powers treat each other differently that non-nuclear powers. Maybe also why so far we haven't had a Nuclear interaction since 1945.
At the moment , because Civ 2 is turn based, the attacking nuclear power has the advantage because he/she can destroy muxh of his/her opponents cities and troops prior to the attackee being able to retaliate.
Is there a set of events that we could program , using the various flags, that could wreak a little vengeance on the attacker to replicate retaliatory strike capabilities ? The level of Auto-vengeance might even be scaled to the number of nuclear weapons the attackee has ?
Any Ideas ?
I suspect that the programming difficulty would be with "free-flowing games" rather than "Scenarios" where one couldn't predict the Citynames or Civs that might be involved in the confrontation.
While you're at it, what about an events structure that creates "Universal Outrage" (Along the lines of when a spy is caught trying to plant a nuclear device) for any Civ using Poison Gas or some other such beyond the pale weapon.
See also the Call to Power 2 "General" forum - Topic: Nukes