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Mick Uhl, a Barbarian Question

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  • Mick Uhl, a Barbarian Question

    I've invested a few hundred hours of my leisure time mapping out all the trigger technologies and unit slots used for barbarian creation in FW, The Barbarian Paper. My initial research with ToT indicates that the trigger technologies are the same but the number of unit slots has been expanded and divided up between the various maps.

    It would save this self-styled civ scientist several score hours if you would be so kind as to post here your notes here as to what the new unit slots are and to which trigger technologies and maps they are associated.

  • #2
    I can't recall the details for the triggers and unit slots but I will try to get the info to you when our redoubtable programmer gets back from a conference in a couple of days.


    • #3
      I'd swear I posted that somewhere, some time--or sent it by e-mail to someone on this forum. Memory's the first thing to go, I suppose.


      • #4
        I had once asked you to post it John, but you had, 'archived your notes on the topic.' You did tell me that the Fanatic unit appears 'close to the cities' after the discovery of Guerrilla Warfare. For this reason I listed you in the credits for, The Barbarian Paper.


        • #5
          I finally talked to the programmer responsible for the macro code. He says he no longer has access to the source code and doesn't remember precisely what he did. I can't find my notes on this subject anywhere. I'm sorry about this. I guess you're on your own.

