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Hack and slash has begun

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  • Hack and slash has begun

    I've begun doing what someone at Hasbro should have done months ago, namely correcting huge holes in the units and techs. My first task - convert Transendence to Advanced Metallurgy.

    Everythings done, got my new unit, the Main Battle Tank, online, stole a graphic from the hi-res pack (thank YOU!), mixed a custom wav, even have the Civolopedia blurbs, everything looks great. EXCEPT...

    For some reason it still reports my unit has native teleport. I don't SEEM to be able to teleport the unit on it's own, it says units must be in cities with a Starport to teleport.'s in the Civilopedia. Does the Civilopedia maybe read a Units.txt from another directory in addition to the Extended Original directory?

    Thanks in advance. If all goes well, I'll be happy to share my Can-O-Whoopass mod pack for anyone who wants more realism, less cheesiness, more usable units, less units that look like the Sta-Puft Marshmellow man (Plasman...jeezzzz), less talk, more rock...


  • #2
    I've discussed this problem in other threads. Once you save a game, if you reload it, the ability of units to use transport or native transport is remembered in the save file. If you change transport abilities in the rules.txt file and then load a saved game, , your rules do not override this.

    There's a good reason for this -- the macro language has an event capability to change transport abilities, and if it were not remembered, it would get reset everytime you reloaded a save game.

    If you are making a modpack, just create a new game and see if the probem goes away. If you are creating a scenario, you've got to create an event of your own that will occur when the scenario begins, that gives or removes transports the way you want.

    Be very careful about the use of upper and lower case in specifying this event, it may make a difference!

    - toby

    toby robison
    toby robison


    • #3
      That's probably it. I'm testing using a saved game around 2024, so I can test unit strengths and so forth. Thanks for the heads up, that was going to drive me batty...


