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  • ToT

    erm, hello, you very intelligent CIV people. This here is a total novice - I believe the word is newbie. I really hate to bother you, but I need help! I was given CIV2 ToT for xmas - never having played any computer games before - honest - and am now TOTALLY hooked. I love it. BUT, having won a few times - built the spaceship and all - at chieftan level in the original game, I now have some qs that are not answered in the manual or the excellent book I rushed out to buy - Prima Official Strategy Guide.
    1. Why does that man appear, being lifted up by the waistband of his shorts into the sky? This happened to me twice, both times when I had only built one city!
    2. I have tried the fantasy game and would love to play as Merfolk - how do you get to the Undersea World? I always seem to be started on the Surface World, and the book says it's great undersea, as you can get so far before other folk get you! But |I can't find it!
    Is this too long - I'm REALLY sorry, but please help me!

  • #2
    One thing you really need to do is download the patch (it's available at this site somewhere). That should fix the guy getting lifted up by his shorts too early in the game. (He's part of the announcement that you've won through pure research.)

    I'll leave the rest of your questions to the experienced folks here. they're mostly smarter than me, anyway.


    • #3
      The merfolk are definitely fun to play! Merfolk settlers can use the "n" order to hop from the surface world to the undersea world (and back). This command only works if the same square on the other map is unoccupied seabed, seafloor, or other land-like terrain. Each unit's key changes color slightly when it is in a position to use the n command.

      When you build cities, be sure to build sorcerors, which can "n" to all four maps, and patrol the areas around their cities.

      Some other units can use the n command as well. Other units can move through tunnels between the surface and the underground (dwarves and goblin miners dig these tunnels with the "j" command).

      Still other units can only change maps by moving between portals.

      The best way to find out which critters can do what, is to read rules.txt; look at the @units_advanced table, and the comments that precede it.

      You may also enjoy building porpoises, which sail through the oceans and underwater oceans with one rider, moving as fast as triremes but never getting lost at sea.

      If you build a world with lots of archipelagoes, your Krakens will be able to make mincemeat of the opposition.

      - toby

      toby robison
      toby robison


      • #4
        Wow, how cool, John Possidente talking to mere me! Thank you very much, I will make sure to find the patch.
        Also thanks Tobyr, that was most helpful. I didn't realise porpoises could carry a rider, mine will from now on. When I start the Fantasy game, it begins on the surface world, right, so can I go straight to the Undersea world immediately and start building there? That's what I want to do. But I really hate to bother you, so I will go straight NOW and look at that rules.txt (which I thought was only for people building scenarios - I warned you I was dumb!)and I guess it will tell me all these things - plus more, I reckon.
        What a terrific game this is, and what a great site THIS is!
        Thanks, both.
        [This message has been edited by Ramoth (edited January 25, 2000).]


        • #5
          I just bought ToT two hours ago and can't make it work. When I start it the disclaimer appears, and then the screen goes black with no mouse pointer. [Ctrl][Tab] reveals three ToT icons: two with no title or description, one that says Civilization II: Test of Time. Selecting that one shows the Menu bar and the opening graphic, but still no mouse pointer.


          • #6
            Help! Still no joy!
            I think on the first attempt I had already tried [Ctrl][Alt][Del] to kill once and the [Alt][key] menus no longer worked. After that I just killed it when it wouldn't start right. I tried the various patches, still nothing.

            Today with a possibly fresher mind I removed and reinstalled ToT and Patch v1.1 and first checked to see if the menus worked. They do. It says that I'm playing on a 0x0 map at Chieftain level. I tried loading another map from my regular Civ2 directory, but ToT said the map had to be the same size (0x0). I tried to use the cheat menu, and it wouldn't do anything useful because of the 0x0 map.


            • #7
              The "No-CD" patch did the trick (as far as I can tell without actually playing a game, which I don't have time for at the present). But I'm still irked that I can't get it to run "normally."


              • #8
                Don Don, your problem might actually not be in the Microprose software. Try plaving the CD's audio/video files with media player on your machine. if they fail likewise, you may have a driver problem, possibly even a video driver that is not up to date.

                In any case, it sounds like there is a specific failure in media play, which is one of the more complex things a system ever tries to do.

                - toby

                toby robison
                toby robison


                • #9
                  Well, actually I did try a different video driver. That didn't do it. Besides, with DirectX it shouldn't matter.

                  This machine has a DVD player. If I had known I would've had them change that. It takes longer to spin up than a CD player because it first has to decide if the media is CD or DVD, and there are some other operational delays I'm not sure I understand.

                  However, after the no-CD patch ToT still looks for the CD, and, if present, uses it for a-v stuff. ToT background music plays fine. I haven't bumped into a video yet.


                  • #10
                    If I were in your situation, I would call MicroProse cusrtomer support. I'm willing to bet they've run into this problem before. I wish I could help, but as I've admitted before, my hardware skills aren't the best.


                    • #11
                      The ToT v1.1 patches are right here, folks...




                      Dan; Apolyton CS

