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ToT: worth while buying for an Alpha Centauri fan?

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  • ToT: worth while buying for an Alpha Centauri fan?

    Hi folks!

    I am an Alpha Centauri addict, and so I became interested in Civilization - the game upon which Alpha Centauri was based.

    So can you tell me: is Test of Time better than Civ II, and of course, is it worth the money?
    How does Call to Power (compared to Civ II and Test of Time) ?

    And how buggy is ToT? Is it playable without patches? At home I have, unfortunately, no access to the internet yet.

    I'd be very grateful if you could drop a few lines to answer me.
    Thank you very much!

  • #2
    Well, fellow civer, wellcome to the roots of genre

    Yes, you should definitly get some version of civII. I played SMAC some time, but believe me Colonel Santiago demanding tribute is nothing compared do the legendary Ghenghis Khan

    As for CTP, It is great game although slow on weaker machines. It lacks scenario support, so once you master AI (which I cant do yet) you are up to multiplayer.


    • #3
      Well it depends on what you're looking for...if you want a graphically pleasing Civ II go with ToT, but if you want something you can modify and something with lots of mods and scenarios already made for it, then get Multiplayer Gold Edition. It has a map editor and a scenario editor.


      • #4
        I think CTP should perform normally on a PII/ 266 machine.
        But which CivII version do you prefer:
        ToT or classical CivII?

        Which game has the higher replayability (if you only know SMAC)?
        Which is more difficult (the harder the better)?
        And which has the least bugs?

        To the administrators:
        I hope you do not mind that I have posted it on the ToT site and not the Civ Comparison -
        I did so because ToT is the "latest" edition of the game, and I am interested very much in the ToT gamers' opinion.

        [This message has been edited by Neverwinter (edited January 14, 2000).]


        • #5
          I agree with Emperor. And I am not really sure about CTP as I only got it 2 months ago. I have pII366, 64 ram and it is slow.

