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What determines whether a road adds to trade?

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  • What determines whether a road adds to trade?

    I cannot see what, in rules.txt, determines whether a given terrain type will increase trade if you build a road. How is this determined? I'm particularly interested in the case of the fantasy game, where it seems clear that the poster and civilopedia are not accurate about whether roads will add more trade.
    - toby

    toby robison
    toby robison

  • #2
    The first three terrains of each @Terrain? group get a trade bonus from roads. In the Fantasy game for example[*]@Terrain: Desert, Wildlands, Glade[*]@Terrain1: Sea Floor, Sea Bed, Gold. Shipwreck[*]@Terrain2: Bedrock, Fire Chamber, Cave of Wonders[*]@Terrain3: Hurricane, z Hurricane, z

    This one is hard coded so you can't change it.


    • #3
      OK William, so what's going on:
      In terrain 3, white cloud (the fourth entry) gets an additional trade for a road. So does whirlwind, the 26th item.

      In the surface map, cave bear, the 24th item, gets the addition.

      Underground, Limestone, the 29th item, gets the addition.

      These are just samples, not a complete list. And by the way, I think it's great the game works like this. But what's going on?

      - toby

      toby robison
      toby robison


      • #4
        In terrain 3, white cloud (the fourth entry) gets an additional trade for a road. So does whirlwind, the 26th item.
        White Clouds and Whirlwinds do not produce EXTRA trade because of roads.

        In the surface map, cave bear, the 24th item, gets the addition.
        Cavebear is a resouce of Wildlands. Since Wildlands gets a trade bonus for roads so do its resources.

        Underground, Limestone, the 29th item, gets the addition.
        Limestone does not produce EXTRA trade for having a road in it's square.


        • #5

          It seems in the Fantasy game the Terrain slots do NOT follow the Civ2 road rules. As I had outlined in the above posts.

          Stay tuned ...


          • #6
            HYPOTHESIS: In ToT, EVERY special land that yields trade, yields one extra trade with a road, EVEN IN THE ORIGINAL GAME!

            All of the game documentation, including the civilopedia, disagree with the above, but you can see that it is true. Try Gold (no extra), Wine (extra) and iron (extra), for example.

            I have tested this on a number of lands and it really seems to be the rule. I would appreciate it if someone would test this in CIV2 and make quite sure that CIV2 is different.

            - toby

            toby robison
            toby robison

